Shocking Pics Confirm Trump's Use of "Uppers"

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Shocking pictures appear to confirm Donald Trump's likely use of "uppers" after boxes of Sudafed are found in his office desk

Does this explain his behavior?

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I think you should focus less on what Trump's taking and more on what democrats are swallowing as it sure appears to be diminishing their mental capacity, in your case severely.

The Sudafed brand you highlighted from the UK contains phenylephrine, here usually sold with a PE behind it because it differentiates it from not having pseudoephedrine in it, as people can become easily confused to the similarly worded words. The Sudafed brand containing pseudoepherine is sold in the US but not in the UK, according to a article I found, that brand, as highlighted also contains caffeine, an ingredient not found in the phenylephrine PE brand here. In both countries the sales of any products containing pseudoephedrine is regulated as it is an ingredient used to manufacture methamphetamine. Here in the US the sale is restricted to approximately a fifteen day supply and has to be obtained from behind the pharmacy counter where they will ask you for ID and are required to keep track of who buys it and turn in individuals who appear to be seeking it more than they should. In the UK the sale is restricted to seven hundred and fifty milligrams.

Though the U.S. version of Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine — the drug that is used in the production of methamphetamine — the U.K. version instead includes phenylephrine, which is also a nasal decongestant but is considered less effective than its American counterpart. But the U.K. version also contains caffeine, which is another stimulant.

I highly doubt Trump is sending anybody to the UK to buy Sudafed PE for the caffeine induced buzz of it when he can just send someone down to the local gas station and have them pick him some 5 Hour Energy in unlimited supply as it is completely legal. I would recommend though you get off the Monster Energy drinks as they seem to be turning you into exactly that.

As far as the dilated pupils here's a short explanation of how reflecting light bouncing off the retina changes up things to appear larger, politicians and celebrities face an incredible amount of light not just from camera's but those glaring down on them while standing on a stage. (the part you want to tune into most would start at 1:25 min. into the video)

Upon closing I'd like to add that in this "I hate Trump" atmosphere everything is considered fair gain, that would include people coming out to disparage Trump other than a couple of sore losers in life trying to reinvigorate themselves out of the has been pile. So far in his tenure to seek the presidency and while holding office, the many times he has spoken out against any of societal ills concerning drug, alcohol and tobacco you'd thought by now you'd had people crawling out of woodwork calling him out for not practicing what he was preaching.

You know what can make a person seem sluggish at times? Hard work and a lack of sleep, you should try it sometime, you may find yourself with a whole lot less time dreaming up scheme's to get rid of Trump or diminishing his character.

@davidpakman you are pretty confident cause you are pill popping.
So drug abuse combined with the sh*tstorm you have made for yourself would certainly lead to some erratic behavior
Take care 😣

In my opinion, what has Trump not done? I won't rule out what this comedian says neither will I confirm it, sometimes when I hear all this aspect to him I mean the cocaine usage and the sniffing and stuff I wonder how he even rose through the ranks to even contest the presidential election not to talk if the Senate. This comedian that revealed this, how close is be to Trump?

I'm sure when you're congested you sniff a lot. I'm sure when you drink COFFEE, the most widely common drug that almost every adult drinks, you get pumped up on high energy. I'm sure when you had an exhausting night with not enough sleep, you feel tired and slow the next day. Right David?

Stop wasting people's time with your bullshit videos.

sudafed is our big scandal of the day? SMH

i described from my own perspective that trump is a great leader in the world leader but at now hi was done so badly work so why man not like trump.

Personally firstly i salute his work but now i have not lik this person for his bad behaviour..

Thanks for sharing this kind of vlad g

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Definitely and its hilarious

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