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RE: Bernie Would Get Money OUT of Politics

in #threespeak5 years ago

Drawing a parallel between Bernie's plan to get money out of politics and Trump's quid pro quo with Ukraine is absolutely astounding.


There was no quid pro quo. The javelins being talked about in the transcript were not part of the aid package you think the so called quid pro quo came from. That was a separate purchase that Ukraine made. Lethal weaponry to Ukraine aid packages were being implemented into Ukrainian aid but the javelin's weren't part of that lethal weaponry, those were an approved separate purchase.

Trump was considering withholding aid for the very reason he stated, that was to bring focus to other world leaders to hold them accountable for helping with aid as shown in this letter written by Sen. Inhofe in response back in April when Trump recommended withholding aid to bring the subject to light, which is clearly stated in the last paragraph:

Sen. Inhofe wrote back on April 4th:

“Last year, Ukraine received its first lethal aid from the United States thanks to the Trump administration’s approval of a sale of Javelin anti-tank missiles — a critical step the Obama administration refused to take despite bipartisan support in Congress. The Trump administration also notified Congress in February that, for the first time since its creation in 2015, funds for the Department of Defense’s Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative will be used to provide lethal aid, including sniper rifles and shoulder-fired grenade launchers. I commend the administration for these two “firsts.”

Now it’s time to increase funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, as well as the State Department’s security assistance programs. And a larger share of this funding should go to support defensive lethal aid that will make Ukraine a more difficult target for Putin’s aggression.

After Putin’s Black Sea attack, Ukraine’s maritime capabilities must be enhanced by accelerating acquisition of coastal defense radars, patrol boats, coastal defense and anti-ship missiles and other systems. On the ground, Ukraine needs more Javelins, other anti-tank weapons, electronic warfare systems and advanced counter artillery radars. And in the air, we should examine how to assist Ukraine in improving its air defense.

Of course, the response of the free world to Putin’s aggression is not the responsibility of the United States alone. Canada, Lithuania, Poland and the United Kingdom have been providing security resources to Ukraine. We need more allies and partners to step up with action rather than talk”.

It doesn't surprise me your lack of researching the issue before jumping to conclusions but this clearly shows that when it came to the phone call there was no quid pro quo.

Pure nonsense.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'd run down a debate with you but I know it will ultimately only be met with an insult in the end. Bye.

Maybe we can try a voice debate sometime

Posted using Partiko Android

Why so you can tell me verbally to get got *@&$! instead....I don't know, I was trying to smooth things out and only got insulted. There's that old saying fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

@steemflagrewards @katharsisdrill for selfupvoting comments, this user makes plenty off his post he doesn't need to abuse the rewards pool further.

Cry harder

Posted using Partiko Android

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