Mark Zuckerberg Visibly Befuddled by AOC

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Mark Zuckerberg Visibly Befuddled by AOC

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is visibly befuddled by questions from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during a congressional hearing about targeted Facebook ads

How did Zuckerberg do?

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I don't know how much more clear he could have been then to say fact checkers are hired outside verified fact checkers. So yes there is a system in place. One thing about Facebook is people also serve as fact checkers by requesting of Facebook to check to something that has been posted. With billions of customers posting at god knows what kind of rate the hired fact checkers are not going to catch everything but you can bet your bottom someone else will and that will get it placed on hold for review.

What the left wants is censorship first of every bit of information out there as long as it doesn't pertain to the many falsehoods it puts out on a daily basis.

Mark Zuckerberg Visibly Befuddled by AOC's stupidity and non-sense questions. Same goes to all the other inquisitors.

lol, next she'll be asking if FB intends to pull all recipes that may contain meat over the holiday season. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

I personally salute mark Zuckerberg for creating amazing Facebook platform. For this Facebook in recent time we are able to contact with others about our personal matter..
Thanks for sharing about mark
Keep going on

Posted using Partiko Android

If you haven’t seen this calm and razor sharp cross examination by AOC of Mark Zuckerberg yet, take 5 mins of your morning. He flounders on the questions most critical to the use and abuse of Facebook to threaten democracy.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think Zuckerberg never expected what came for him I mean look at that he was basically torn the way he's been hypocritical about his Facebook laws. I hope he become the scape goat we need to get mass adoption for Crypto

Don't take this personally as I've been told many times I run down to much stuff in a big blob of messy hard to decipher paragraphs but you sure do come in a close second to me. Like they tell me, periods and comma's are a great thing when used more often.

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