Trump on Woman Who Killed Teen: "It Happens"

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Trump on Woman Who Killed Teen: "It Happens"

While defending Anne Sacoolas, the wife of an American diplomat accused of killing a British teenager in a car accident, Donald Trump says "we've all done it," raising a number of questions

Will she face consequences?

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He handled it pretty good. What he means is we've all done something while driving inadvertently. Whether that means not realizing you are going down a one way street in the wrong direction which happened to me in another city once and another time while I was driving down in Florida, or some other mishap like knowing you shouldn't fly through a yellow light at the last minute because you are being impatient. Luckily for me it was early a.m. in one city but in Florida it was midday in heavy traffic and there was an island available I went upon to avoid hitting someone once I realized my mistake. In both instances I was in unfamiliar territory trying to navigate my way which distracted me temporarily.

This story is somewhat similar to the AOC story, you could find more wrong if you were looking for it but you stop to ask yourself did you honestly feel the person addressed the situation correctly or do I just want to try and find a fault, any fault out of desperation to make that person look bad. In AOC case I found myself saying I felt she addressed that particular instance rather well though if I was desperate to find a fault I could have said would she have reacted the same way if someone got up there and started saying we need to kill all brown people repeatedly?...because I don't think her response would have been the same and she would have lashed out at them.

Well I think Donald Trump's reason for not releasing the woman to stand trial in the United kingdom vividly shows that he might have felt that some people have well hit people at one time in their lives and so what? Hey? I'm trying to think like Trump but then I wonder is it that he's feeling pricked in the conscience? For having to f
give that woman up, I'm Still thinking too

I think Trump is right, something that happened by accident and accidentally wasn't murder. It could just happen to us. Unintentionally get someone else killed.

Regardless, she should face the consequences of her actions and not hide behind diplomatic immunity.

Would that mean though that we shouldn't be questioned or face lesser charges, probation, fines or any other number of things through the court system?

What about driving recklessly and dangerously?

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@davidpakman, In my opinion that line of Justification is raising many questions without any doubt for sure.

Now it's about Politics so, in my opinion they have their own defense mechanisms.

Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.

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This is really a matter of humor as per Trump. He is just taking the matter way too casually than it should be taken. Well, he did mention we all "DID THAT ", these words itself require more light to be illuminated for sure. Trump also mentioned one thing which did had a bit of logic which was that, people who are not habituated to drive on the other side may face the problem, yeah that's true but has investigation been done? Did she really drove on the wrong side unintentionally?

I do am of the opinion that she must be sent to the United Kingdom and clarify the mess, let it be she did it unintentionally or intentionally!

From what I understood was she drove off the military base while being in the wrong lane. In her home country that would have been the right lane to be in so I don't think it was intentional as much as habit. I guess the next questions would be would the parents be any more forgivable under those circumstances or would the law also look at it that way. Quite a sticky matter for sure considering that here unintentionally killing someone is a possible fifteen year manslaughter charge.

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