Trump Confirms He'll Do Whatever Saudis Tell Him

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--After Saudi Arabian oil facilities are bombed, Donald Trump confirms not only his hypocrisy about the Kingdom, but also his subservience

Isn't this the kind of thing Trump the businessman would be screaming about?

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Trump says: Saudi Arabia Should Fight Their Own Wars
Pakman says: Trump Confirms He'll Do Whatever Saudis Tell Him.

No, he won't do what the Saudis tell him. Trump acts cautiously before doing anything in the region. He's anti-war and he's anti being a bitch of the Saudis or anybody else. The false flags will keep coming, good thing Trump is in power, or the world would already be plunged in more costly wars.

From the quote I seen him make on the news was that he has no interest in going to war but if they want to fight among themselves he has plenty of weapons to sell. I wouldn't be surprised if he booted Bolton because he may be scheming with the democrats to force Trump into a war knowing Trump supporters don't want to be engaged in further middle east conflicts. I find it somewhat intriguing that Bolton got booted within days of this happening. Could have been part of a "best laid plans" scenario/scheme by Bolton and the democratic stooges. Personally I have another train of thought on this also, if nothing comes of all this then I'll share that train of thought.

If he's such a dove, why does he keep hiring neocons and defense industry lobbyists into his administration?

Indeed that's one of the things that bothers me about him, he's not perfect. At least he fired Bolton the neocon recently (about time), it's a good start. But I give him some slack, he's a not a trained politician and he came into the lions den trying to sort out their mess. But he is quickly learning and adjusting accordingly. Trump 2.0 in 2020 will be a greater improvement.

See !!! I was waiting for this, No wonder US will definitely protect all that is within their interest (Oil being the priority), Yemen has only couple of months life left. This attack on Saudi Oil wells, might trigger some bigger chain reaction globally. Let's start preparing for the Yemen's funeral. America is playing it safe in this matter, they would definitely want Saudi's to point the finger at the culprit and US ready to write the obituary for Yemen.

Saudi Arabia and the whole Middle East has become less important to the USA in the last decade, that's why Trump doesn't give a shit about them. The #1 USA oil import is securely coming from Canada (43% in 2018,; the Saudis lost that spot a decade ago. Plus, the USA is producing more natural gas than before

Yes dear Saudis, our Beloved President Mr. Donald Trump is there to Help you in every situation, I mean we are allies right??? Friends do look after each other in tough times. Times like this makes me like Donald Trump. Some of you people might now like my comment, but if you read carefully, you will find the sarcasm hidden somewhere between these lines.

Anytime in the Trump era that democrats are promoting a story one would normally do an analysis based on the last two hundred years of American History, then you have to modify that fact based on Trump Derangement Syndrome because Donald Trump is president.

An analogy that came to me over the weekend is sorta like you have a college sorority party that serves an over abundance of a particular alcohol, like the Propaganda Martini, Pomegranate, sorry, my bad, and you say what is the take off speed of a White Russian and you have like your in a vacuum answer which might be like a Screwdriver but much like you have to account for Kavanaugh being a Supreme Court Justice you have to account for if the woman was dry or wet and what was the elevation of the bed she rolled off and other things, like Trump Derangement Syndrome, you might end with an answer that the drink served was a Mind Eraser.

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