Would Trump Ever Resign the Presidency?

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Caller talks about the possibility of President Trump resigning his office

What do you think?

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Has there been any hard evidence against him to PROVE him to be guilty of anything? Quit the freaking "maybe" campaign and show me hard truths that are irrefutable and I'll start to get on this ridiculous train.

Until then, stop pointing fingers and start doing something that's worth the time of the American public. How about we stop trying to impeach Trump and start trying to pass legitimate legislation that isn't solely partisan? How about we help 80%+ of Americans as opposed to catering towards special interests?

Oh, I have a great idea!! How about we put a bill that takes money completely out of politics rather than complain about when money is used in politics for personal gain?

Nah, that's too hard and too many Americans will disagree with it...

It's not Americans who disagree with that, it's members of Congress from both parties.

Yes, there was sarcasm in my last line. Sorry, I realize now (and again) that sarcasm doesn't come across well online.

Yeah like they are going to say to the American people we can't show you the evidence or testimony involved but take our word he's guilty.....here you go, join the rest of the out of their mind loonies, an early Christmas present from me as this is as close to impeachment celebration as your going to get...

I can't wait to wake all your exploding heads when he gets re-elected next year.

I don't think it's likely he resigns... i think the impeachment will go the way of the russia allegations. Aka good media talking points for many months that keep the public mired in this and angry and upset and then just kinda float away without anything concrete. I think it'll be very hard on his campaign and fire up people to vote against him though... and maybe that's what democrats are really after because firing up the base will win them many seats and an impeachment will only remove trump and replace with pence and then remove the biggest reason to vote next year.

"Trump knows he is going to jail if he ever leaves office.
He's running an anti-impeachment propaganda ad (paid for with campaign money?).
He's built a private militia? (Rumours)
Resigning would require admitting wrongdoing and/or defeat, he's not capable of either."

  • Tim Duckworth

I don't think he'll resign I mean I heard about the subpoena and how he must have breached a few things here and there. Although a few of the accusations have been right but yet I don't know I still strongly feel that he Might not resign.

Trump EGO will not let him resign he has not finished his mission yet and only he knows what the end game is on that but so far there has been nothing but CHAOS and REVOLVING DOORS ,Scandals after scandal has become a every day occurrence with trump.

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