Fox Suck-Up Realizes Trump is Clueless on Live TV

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Fox News Trump sycophant Brian Kilmeade realizes on live television that Donald Trump has no idea what he's talking about

Is Fox starting to change its tune on Trump?

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Brian Kilmeade there got me thinking, does his facial expressions suggest that he's beginning to lose faith despite his astute support for Trump and his policies or is it that the man is just as confused as you are. You mentioned he's hardly right on policies and I'm wondering despite how confident he seems haha sorry. I'm looking at the humor in the facial expressions

@davidpakman, In my opinion Media never takes side they just shift the side as per the Agenda.

In the Game Of Politics these kind of situations are very common for sure and in my opinion this situation will remain as same.

In my opinion it's better to shift focus from media and to concentrate towards ground reality because in my opinion media twist the reality. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Trump of course knows what he is doing. Withdrawing American troops from the Syrian border in Iraq did provide an opportunity for Turkey to attack the Kurds. We just need time to see what Trump's next policy is.

It seems Trump came up with another gamechanger, he always does bring in such outcomes with such decisions bringing up two sides of the same matter and the stuff Fox News has to offer looks really great to see.. lol !

But for sure US withdrawing it's troops has allowed Turkey to get in and attack the Kurds!

Let's see what's next.. Bring Popcorn !

Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds is so blatant and undeniable that Fox News is ripping itself apart on live television. Lindsey Graham and Brian Kilmeade both calling it the disaster it is.

Time to face facts. Trump is bought and sold.

I wonder what kind of entanglements Trump has with Turkey.

Inject it into my veins.

Posted using Partiko Android

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