Fox News Judge ADMITS Trump is Impeachable Over Ukraine

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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---Fox News Judge Andrew Napolitano admits that Donald Trump is impeachable over his involvement in the Ukraine Joe Biden fiasco

Will more people on Fox News start warming to impeachment?

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LOL “Admits,” the only thing he’s admitting in fewer words is that he’s spiteful he didn't get nominated for SCOTUS. What Trump did is not a crime. Napolitano didn’t answer Shepard Smith’s question, what he did was re-frame the context of events in such a way as to make it seem as if though the President committed a crime; This is something you have to prove an intention on. We all know the President’s intention from the get-go was to drain the swamp of corrupted swamp creatures. Biden’s gangster statements about withholding a billion dollars if the prosecutor didn’t lay off his son, was about as corrupt as corrupt gets. In asking the President of Ukraine to investigate that; Trump was just attempting to drain the swamp and keep a campaign promise. If that promotes his cause as a byproduct, and helping his reelection wasn’t his main intent for the communication, then there is no crime. It's all fun and games until people start getting charged with treason. Stay tuned for the full retreat.

Napolitano is a joke, he was debunked later on FOX by judge DiGenova who knows better and has experience in federal law.

"Well, I think Judge Napolitano is a fool, and I what he said today is foolish. No, it is not a crime," argued Joe DiGenova.

Today I came across a video which revealed that, in a scientific truth analysis it was found that, almost 70% of what Trump used to say in election campaign were 'lies'. I think the Republicans are unlikely to make it again to presidency.

We can only hope

Former GOP Sen. Jeff Flake announces support for impeachment of Trump (with some reservations) and calls on Republicans not to back Trump’s re-election: “Trust me when I say that you can go elsewhere for a job. But you cannot go elsewhere for a soul.”
Information Source

I don't know if it's a crime it depends. although I don't know the federal laws guiding the presidency in the United States. He solicited aid from a foreign government Trump just like it was revealed but well are there laws that are sacrosanct against this?

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