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RE: There Is No Biological Basis for Different Races in Modern Humans

I actually don't really agree with him.

I agree with the science he references but I don't believe I should tell someone I am a "sapien" every time someone asks me what my race is.

Most people just want to discuss common sense and are not asking me for a lecture in biology when they ask me my race.. having said that, most people I know tend to say "Where are you from" or "What country are you from" instead of "What is your race".


Exactly we can't generalise these things and that's what makes us unique, he's brilliant no doubt, but I'll pass on this one

We cannot deny the fact that we are still in the process of Evolution and, the human race may or may not witness many more changes ahead in the future.

I don't really understand what you mean @josediccus?

Exactly we can't generalise these things

What things are you saying we can't generalize?

but I'll pass on this one

You'll pass on what?

I'm trying to say we just generalise humans by saying there's no race, the evidence that backs the fact that there's an existence of race is too huge so that's why I don't agree with the Man

I'm trying to say we just generalise humans by saying there's no race, the evidence that backs the fact that there's an existence of race is too huge so that's why I don't agree with the Man.

Ah okay, yeah.. I understand now.

I tend to agree that according to biology there is only one human race since there is only a 0.1% deviation between "races" but I think in terms of actual common sense and just everyday talk, there is actually a such thing as race since we use it to identify certain people from specific geographical locations like what @wayo said.

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