A Hospital Turned into Explosives Factory and School into Graveyard - Syria News Archive

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Did you notice how much efforts western propagandists do focusing on the Syrian Army and its allies bombing only hospitals whenever the SAA starts a military operation against terrorists each single time anywhere in Syria?

Well this is what they're trying to protect. Qussayr National Hospital turned into an explosive manufacturing facility and a head quarter for terrorists, then there's a school which they were burying their terrorists in its playground.

Residential houses turned into their quarters and only death and terror everywhere.

Isn't it interesting that the entire world confesses there are tens of thousands of foreign terrorists in Syria combating the Syrian people and their army but whenever the SAA engages them in real combats the western propagandists only report: SAA kills children and women and bombs hospitals, while the Moderate Terrorists only bomb 'Regime Forces'...! Sick, right?

This report was included in our post: Mass Graveyard Found in Qussayr – Homs.

Do you still trust western mainstream media despite they're lying several times and even committing crimes themselves to convert it into news like when a CNN crew bombed an oil pipeline to make a report that the SAA did it?

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This is not right at all. The killings really need to stop there should be an end to this happenings by this terrorist.

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