Syrian Arab Army Military Operations to Clean Qussayr from NATO Terrorists - Syria News Archive

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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This video report (May 26, 2013) covers side of the battles with war correspondence Hussein Murtada who accompanied a unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in many military operations across the country.

Al-Qussayr City is one of the strategic cities that was infested by NATO terrorists aka Free Syrian Army or Nusra Front (al-Qaeda Levant) in the early days of the US-led War of Terror (Regime Change) in Syria. It controlled the smuggling of weapons, terrorists, supplies, and drugs from Lebanon into various areas inside Syria, especially Homs in central Syria, and Damascus countryside bordering Lebanon. The later ISIS and Nusra Front controlling large areas (80 square kilometers) in the Eastern Lebanese Mountains and the throat-slitting of 8 Lebanese Army soldiers was a result of NATO controlling this city.

This video, like more than 500 other videos with English translation, got deleted when YouTube terminated my channel without any proper justification.

More information about this side of the SAA military operation in this report: Syria- SAA Advances in al-Qussayr.

The Syrian people fought against hundreds of thousands of terrorists brought from all sides of the world with the full support of NATO and a host of 100 countries. The Struggle, losses, suffering and eventually winning of the Syrian people against this plot should always be remembered and thanked by all humans and peace loving people all over our planet.

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Everybody was expecting the worse before Qussayr was liberated then the whole tide of the crisis shifted. Thank you for saving all these videos and sharing them again.

@arabisouri, The lives of Syrian People became Cage from all side. Hope that soon Almighty blessings will arrive and protect these people from all these Inhuman situations.

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