3 Golden Nuggets a day - on FP, Design Principles and Asteroid Mining

in #three-nuggets6 years ago

This incredibly useful image is credited to F# for fun and profit

  • Classic Read


My one golden nugget:
love this as an introduction for fp principles through examples of what is what

  • How To's:


My one golden nugget:
planetary resources overview: when building something with this big a scope is worth considering what other problems it can currently solve that are lucrative enough to sustain the business, while it does not distract from the big picture. Here mining asteroids implies an improvement on current mining operations and surface exploration.

  • Biography:


My one golden nugget:
Beck designed the metro map based on 3 principles:

  1. focus (on who you are doing this for)
  2. simplicity
  3. cross-disciplinary

Reading Lists

There are books that I reread regularly, but at the moment I read new books in trying to identify the best books to reread while trying to push my learning boundries. So far I got to organise my future reading in 6 lists, main readings for each time of the day:

and 3 lists of books that look interesting but haven't got enough information for them:

For people who just wanted to know how to choose what to read by Tai Lopez' talked of principles.

Do you have a book or resource that would like to see what nuggets I can get out from for you ?

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