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RE: Discipline to achieve freedom

in #thoughts5 years ago

Every decision comes with a cost. In economic terms we would say that every decision comes with an "opportunity cost", or "what is the next best thing I could do with this decision," and it's part of every decision: You, like I, choose to have a job to earn money to buy food. The opportunity cost to that is a different job, or less food, etc.

Even decisions that do not involve money are economic decisions. Take the time to read a book means that you can't play a video game, or watch tv. Which is more important? Well, that depends on the person.

Freedom definitely isn't free. In the immortal words of Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Just can't get away from it. :)


Take the time to read a book means that you can't play a video game, or watch tv. Which is more important? Well, that depends on the person.

Losing tv or video games isn't a big deal for me since I don't really do them at all, I prefer books nowadays.

Freedom definitely isn't free. In the immortal words of Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Just can't get away from it. :)

Things we exclude (consciously or unconsciously) can be as important as the things we actively include.

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