What game are you playing at?

in #thoughts6 years ago

There are so many pathways to take in this life and many of them are forced upon us with the only control we have is how we choose to negotiate the way in front. When we feel out of control of being able to affect our results, it is likely we will experience stress that of not approached well, can make us perform at less than our best.

The more experience I get in this world, the more I see it as a game to be played, a set of tasks and obstacles to be processed and attempted in the hope of continuance, survival. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this is indeed a simulation of life and not life itself but then, does it matter to consciousness which?


We run on the stories we act upon and our experience and expectations shape them into our behavioural moments. A narrative of this being a game is no less likely than one of a creator or complete chaos and for all intents and purposes of experience, it doesn't really matter which it is, despite the importance many place on it.

Most search for an external explanation to give their lives meaning and purpose, a story they can act upon. Many are about the result of life, where we will end up if we behave correctly or incorrectly despite actually not knowing the rules of the game, putting their trust in the words of others and the self-interested beliefs of others.

Everyone thinks that their story is the right one and will lead them to a suitable ending. Groups people gather to share, refine and perhaps agree on a collective narrative but, consensus and even unified action doesn't guarantee correctness. Others lead life in no regard for others at all as if all are just characters to help their cause to compete the game.

We take it all pretty seriously though and we will behave in ways to protect our world view whatever it is, often in some very horrible ways. It is interesting what atrocities people can perform in the protection of their story.

I don't know what is right or wrong in this world but perhaps it doesn't matter at all. At the end of the day, does it matter what station we achieve in this life? Does our life work have any meaning to anyone other than ourselves?

Our story says yes, even if there is no evidence other than the steps we make influence the steps of others along the path.

We like to count and score things in this world but, what is the sum of a life? If we all think we are playing games by different rules, what value is comparison when there is no common denominator?

Does your life count? Mine? It has been a long day of testing so far and more to come.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


True words. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Makes me a bit pensive...

Every single life counts.

Our life has a meaning in this world, we are not here just to cover our physiological necessities... this reminds me of Maslow

I believe we are here for a reason, same as everything happens for a reason. We are here for a maximum realization as humans, persons we are. It is obvious human is an interdependence species. We all need from each other, we all depend from each other in one way or another.

We are currently realizing little by little, sector by sector around the globe, how bad we have been treating our planet for example, our home. So yes, playing the game of life, or your game of life only thinking about yourself or for the short term reward as a selfish greedy human will subtract instead of summing for a better world for all life here.

Who is right about right or wrong? I am not a religious person, but I believe there is love, something that is harder to explain than to feel. If you love others, having empathy to the rest of living beings in this planet, and I am not talking only about humans, also animals, nature, it will be easier for you to realize what is right over wrong.

First step... who am I? what do I want? what do I love? what are those weaknesses I have? Do I really know myself mentally and emotionally? Am I treating my body and spirit with love?

If we don't know ourselves, how can we give our life a meaning? how can we influence in others positively?

... I went and came back in thoughts, I should write a post about it.

Thanks for making me think. Take care dude.

First step... who am I?

Perhaps this is the only real step in the process of it all as who we might be is in a continual process of change with all other change so from moment to moment, we might be fundamentally different.

If we don't know ourselves, how can we give our life a meaning? how can we influence in others positively?

This is the core of it with meaning, we can fill our lives with all that people expect us to and still remain unfulfilled. It has to come from within.

Hope all is well with you :)

I think it does and although we are bot where we need to be as a society given our different views as individuals, I feel the world is a better place than where it was hundreds of years ago given the efforts of communities throughout history. Again, not perfect but better. While it could be relative to many communities, the general trend is to improve so I think our individual action do impact the whole and thus do matter...

Posted using Partiko iOS

life is a game, that's the great secret we aren't taught as youth. as venkatesh rao and many others say, create your own rules. the greatest challenge in life is having teh confidence to reach your own vision and allow yourself to make mistakes on your original path. it's really our unending challenge, for me for sure. peace and steem on !

We does not try our best but want to get the best results. Same way we does not focus on our path way rather we predict something positive will happen. And then the hand of failure touches us.
I think it's matter where we are going, coz it's have an impact on other's life. As we are living in family/ society.
Yeah I believe our life counts. And it's push me believe in God and after life.
That's all.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello, very thoughtful words of life, thank you for sharing your experiences. Greetings

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