If this was your first morning

in #thoughts6 years ago

In the walking world, I am a type of personnel trainer who works to improve organisations through developing skills in key people and small groups. Often the challenges faced are that of managing changes that affect tasks, processes and the acceptance of them by employee and management layers.

I have a varied selection of clients but one of my main is a large, long-standing, traditional manufacturing business that has been going through dramatic changes over the last five years. There have been changes at all levels but not at all locations simultaneously.

The location I am based at is ground zero for many changes and trials which means it is an incubator of sorts and the people there have grown accustomed to the dynamic environment but it took a change in mindset. At other locations though, the changes are spreading much slower as they are chosen and implemented depending on the specific needs of a factory and not all changes are required across the board but, many are and they generally have a staggered rollout process.

What is interesting is how one change can be adopted much quicker in some locations over others and what this comes down to is culture of the location. The longer a place hasn't shifted, the slower it will shift.

At these places they have the tendency to think they know what is best and that is what they have always done. Change is unwelcome and quickly dismissed by members, especially those who have the longest history of doing what they have been doing uninterrupted. There is a lot of change resistance as you can expect.

What is interesting to note though is that without this history, change is not change at all, it is just process.

If any one of these people who were resistant to change suddenly found themselves unemployed because their company collapsed, their history is wiped clean. If the next day they were at an interview for a new job in a new company and were offered the exact same tasks that the change process had offered, they would accept terms because the new company is expected to have differing processes.

What this means is if a new person walks into a company the day after large changes, they carry no history and will accept, learn and conform to the processes naturally and without resistance while the workers beside them may struggle. Of course, the culture of the older workers tends to try to influence the newer and say how good the past was and how bad things are now.

What I wonder is that if one had a clean slate, no knowledge or history of Steem a few days ago, would the current terms be acceptable. My experience says, yes.

My history tells me that I myself would accept the terms because when I arrived on Steem almost two years ago, I came in blind and enjoyed myself while my vote was worth nothing despite having hundreds and then a couple thoudand Steem, and my posts earned very low amounts. Hf19 changed the voting values and my posts do earn more now due to a lot of work put in and a lot of luck.

People at the moment are talking about new members struggling but it is projection. The same arguments were floating around when I arrived by older members as things changed saying that people like me would struggle if this or that happened. But the reality is that they were the ones who would struggle if they were unwilling to accept the latest shifts and adapt. Many adapted, many didn't. I had already accepted.

There are many changes to come and not all are going to be friendly to all positions which means that someone who is planning to be here long- term has to accept that they are likely going to have to adapt their approach in some way, at some time.

An employee in a firm for 40 years is not so common these days but the ones who are successful are those who have rolled with the punches and adopted and adapted quickly. Those on Steem are going to go through changes at a much faster rate than any traditional business environment though.

So, if this was your first day on Steem and you had no history, given whatever resources you currently have, do you accept the terms? What do you need to learn to get up to speed, what opportunities do you have and where are you going to invest your time?

Don't worry too much about the people to come because when they arrive they will accept terms at that point or not. It is up to those here now of course to build a place they want to be a part of but, us projecting our pasts onto the future is rarely helpful as it assumes that they know what we have experienced and assumes we know what they will accept, which is impossible.

The sun is up, you are here.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


If any one of these people who were resistant to change suddenly found themselves unemployed because their company collapsed, their history is wiped clean. If the next day they were at an interview for a new job in a new company and were offered the exact same tasks that the change process had offered, they would accept terms because the new company is expected to have differing processes.

Down For: ~1 day 12 hours

😘 💓 😍 💖 😘

i secured my name there and do not plan on ever visiting again :D

Haha yeah my dear friend, I noticed you actually did it.

But I'm not totally sure if you won't visit that 'workplace' again. Because around an hour after I did my previous comment here, the website suddenly resurrected. So, I took advantage and I've just published a post over there that clearly contradicts what you are affirming here through your comment. LoL };)

Definitely a good point here. Still there are some real issues that need resolution. Security for instance.

Yeah, there are many issues and the hope is that the future for those to come is better than those in the past. Lots of considerations and it is highly complex in my view at least due to all of the different desires of the population. Lots of conflict to come. Fun times :)

I'm glad you get it.
Best thing about SteemIt is how much upside is still here.
There is no set "this is how it is supposed to be".
Life is a ride, enjoy it, so is SteemIt. Enjoy the bruises, scrapes and cuts as well as the payoffs we get on the way.

Yes, I accept. Steem is still the best game in town. But that's the thing. There will be other games, and we want Steem to still be the best game in comparison to those competitors.

And the more Steem moves towards pay-to-play, the more it will offer competitors a window to challenge it's function.

For the majority of the public want free-to-play, and those who figure out how to give it to them will grow the fastest.

And the more Steem moves towards pay-to-play, the more it will offer competitors a window to challenge it's function.

I don't think it is going to be pay to play in the way people think it is at the moment. It is going to be subsidized by high RC accounts in various ways.

I think you've made an excellent point here. I've been thinking a lot about the situation here on Steem, over the past few days, and yet this never occurred to me. That a newcomer most likely wouldn't understand what the Hell we're talking about here, what these changes are. So, looking through the prism of the young @honeydue (on the platform, I mean), then yeah, I think I'd just roll with it. As you say, we all did, after all.
But then, from what I've heard, the comments and votes are quite limited for new-comers? And if that's the case, then maybe it's not so okay...I mean how are you supposed to engage and grow on this platform if you can only post so many comments? That was one of the beauties (in the good ole days of yore) that even if your vote didn't do much, you could still get noticed or at the very least have an interesting conversation in the comments. But if that's limited, what are you supposed to do?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying what's happening is necessarily bad and I really enjoyed this post, but I'm wondering...if your ability to engage is limited, then where does that get us? Where do the newcomers go?

On phone.

It is only limited now and there is the potential that the dapps that will handle onboarding new accounts can further subsidize engagement functions through their platforms. This means they can somewhat vet accounts better and empower them. Not yet possible but for those new accounts coming in at that time, they won't know the past

those new accounts coming in at that time, they won't know the past

Isn't that true about all new generations? :) Not just here, but in the world as well...

No, you're right, there are many possibilities. I just think that most people are voicing concerns about the future, as is natural. There's nothing wrong with that. There is always unforeseen potential...

Isn't that true about all new generations? :) Not just here, but in the world as well...

Yes, this is why people can lead society back into division and conflict because they do not really know what happened just 80 years ago.

There is always unforeseen potential...

This is where the life investors play.

I think it is human nature to remain in a “comfort zone” and resist change. However, those who do embrace change are the first to react to leverage it for their improvement. I also see this many time in my professional career and now there are teams dedicated to change management to ensure transitions in processes. It’s interesting how organizations move these efforts and sometimes those at the top still resist change. It will be interesting to get views from those who started this week! Look forward to seeing a couple succeed!

However, those who do embrace change are the first to react to leverage it for their improvement.

This is the interesting thing here considering that what we are doing is in a field of early adoption

It will be interesting to get views from those who started this week! Look forward to seeing a couple succeed!

It is going to be interesting indeed. it will take some time but it will happen. There are wide variations in results between people who start at the same time and those that generally do the best are the active community engagers.

Don't worry too much about the people to come because when they arrive they will accept terms at that point or not.

Reminds me of the famous saying "if you build it, they will come".

If steemit works out well, those coming will adapt without putting up the attitude of most now

There is a long way to go here and it will go through a lot more changes on the road. Some will be good, some might not be.

Greetings, @tarazkp. Very encouraging.
I only wonder if by the time you started there were bitter arguments about and among witnesses and their role or responsibility in whatever mess may be created from now on.
I have been reading some posts that suggest some pessimism about the future of Steem in terms of outer investments or the lack of them.
They also call for more political involvement in the internal affairs of the platform. And I wonder if that is the condition to actually make this platform more decentralized because I don't see massive involvement happening. I think that most people come here for practical reasons and the advertisement of the platform (a place where you get paid for posting, voting and commenting). Pending disappoitment.

I only wonder if by the time you started there were bitter arguments about and among witnesses and their role or responsibility in whatever mess may be created from now on.

there have been bitter arguments about this from day one I think.

nd I wonder if that is the condition to actually make this platform more decentralized because I don't see massive involvement happening.

it has to happen to decentralize it at least. give up powers.

That is a very valid point that you have made here. If it had been a company and they had made the changes where you are working, you toe the line or get the boot. The problem is there were too many complaints the way it was handled and the growth side would have been very limited. I am sure it will still change over the coming weeks to a more reasonable resource credit system based on more info gathered.

It is not just getting the boot, it is about taking opportunity. Most criticised based on their experience without even reading what was going on.

I picked that up as well. They were clueless what was going to happen and had no idea. I am wide awake now after experiencing my first fork. I had no idea what to expect and now learning what everything is and understanding it. I am still new and know more than quite a few older accounts who have been through forks.

I can see the red banner on top saying Update: HF20. I couldnt even post for about 2 days but i can post now. I dont even understand the implications of the update.

there are lots of things to read about it but, everyone should keep up to date with what is going on here.

Hi! I believe that these changes are to the best! And in the future there will be even more changes!Those who like it here and stay!

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