Dog walk diaries: back pained

in #thoughts6 years ago


Sometimes I question if I am 'too old for this' which is what I am doing now as I just pulled my lower back getting the baby our od the bath. I question it when it comes to the blockchain life too for as much as I like the speed of it, I don't enjoy the impatience and the entitlement of what would be considered, "younger generation".

Would I feel different about it if I had bought in instead of working my way in? Perhaps then I would see it purely as an investment and not worry as much about the community aspect of it unless it would affect my investment opportunities. I think that if the SP I have accumulated had come easier, I don't think I would worry about community as much either as I think that community thinking requires some sweaty equity of since kind.

It isn't a hard and fast rule of course but the less involved people are in the community, the less inclined they are to help others even if they themselves benefit heavily from that same community. I see it a lot in Finland where people do not stop to help if a car had broken down, even if it is at the lights in front of them, they will just drive around it annoyed. I know, I have helped those cars, I have been that car.

It is one of the most socially organised countries in the world yet, few know their neighbours, most are uncomfortable in social situations and there is almost a complete lack of civic consciousness. Socially engineered to be socially disconnected. It is amazing that they aren't all on Steem.

It is strange I think at how many people have thought about their personal branding and how they appear yet so few seem to have social awareness. I would guess that the average age on Steem is mid twenties so perhaps it is because most have grown up in a digitally connected but life disconnected environment. It could lead to a world of higher consciousness as some claim, but I myself predict a lower quality of life satisfaction and a great deal of loneliness. No matter how good a meal may be, it is rather empty without someone with which to share the flavour and experience.

I think it is the same for much of what people actually share and perhaps why they share because so much of life these days is experienced alone, consuming but devoid of the intimacy of someone's hand to hold or the sound of their laugh. We share our lives with strangers to feel like someone cares about what we do like they themselves experienced our with us.

I wonder where it leads and whether in the long term view of years and decades, people will be able to adjust their needs and expectations to meet the life they have created for themselves. Will they wake up one day questioning whether they made a wrong choice like a father who spent a life earning but would up estranged to his family? Will they wonder if friendship and romance that they once didn't have time for actually had value they were too blind to see or, too lazy to grow?

I don't know, I have a life to live and whether my position is better or worse, it is what I have to work with.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


You are an old fart, problem is I am older than you. Anti inflammatory helps and a hot bath.
The problem is the coins are so hard to mine and it doesn't come easy. For some it does come easy so they don't really care for the community and see it more like a pick pocket game. Sometimes I wish it was easier but then it would be flooded with takers. Keep it hard and just bear with everything and grow and enjoy it at the same time.

I'm somewhere between you two in age. I can feel gravity getting stronger each passing year. I suppose the planet is gaining mass or the universe is run by a prankster who likes to have fun fiddling with the gravitational constant.

Apparently you start to shrink as you get older. Lucky I am tall so will see if it's true.

I am going to look like I am standing in a hole.

You are lucky your wife is short so it won't be so noticeable. Ban her from wearing heels that way no one will be aware of your shrinking. The one bonus is the bed will seem a lot bigger.

I am pretty sure the earth's blockchain is getting too large and becoming sluggish. It could probably do with a fork.

To be honest, what I think I should do is put down the fork.


Yeah, i don't mind the slog but then, I was never a big hitter, I was reliable. Not very sexy :)

Consistent is better than a one hit wonder with a bot. I don't mind the slog either.

People are more disconnected today than ever before. They have steamit they have Facebook and Twitter. They are plugged into electronics and plugged out to real people. Thanks my friend for sharing as I enjoyed your article.

I would guess that the average age on Steem is mid twenties

There are some younger peeps on here, but the old crew seem to attract their own type... you know like ME.

SF3 is going to reveal a lot, we cant hide the lines when we are in the flesh.

I think that the older are also more willing and able to travel perhaps. Sf is likely not representative as a cross section for many areas which is probably a good thing. :D

That is true.. and us old buggers do have more cash.. I had none when I was a nipper.

Nice post friend good

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