Dog walk diaries: Anniversary adventureless

in #thoughts5 years ago


I haven't done a dog walk diary for about a year I think, even though I have been walking the dog. I still carry around this silly idea that what I post should provide at least some chance of value for you, the reader and this generally takes the form of many words.

This could be misplaced.

Maybe we should encourage people to use Steem like every other social media with the selfies and pictures of their lunch. Of course, it makes most general interfaces unusable but then it is up to users to create experiences they like, including frontends that suit their needs.

One of the things that is brilliant about Steem is that if it can be built on Steem, it can be built on Steem. Steem can underlay any number of experiences - blogging, gaming, commerce and whatever the imagination can develop. Not only that, it is cheap to build on and requires no license - perhaps a bit of Steem.

But of course, posting on Steem is different to earning on Steem in the same way that kicking a soccer ball in the park isn't the same as playing for Manchester United. How many selfies and lunches are large stakeholders willing to vote upon before they recognise that just like the other platforms, the real attractor is rewarding a small subset of users who encourage some of the willing others to make an attempt to get rewarded? To reach for the stars.

Crowds pay to see a ManU game.

All users have the potential to earn on Steem, not all are going to do what it takes. Just like not all users of YouTube are going to perform the necessary actions to monetize a channel.

The benefit here is that because of the many potential application, no one is tied to any particular form of content or medium. In time there will be even more possibilities to create, more tools to build with.

When it comes to the value of the site, that is for the investors, owners and the developers to facilitate by building spaces that contributors can create and consumers can enjoy. This isn't easy of course, but if you own Steem, you are an owner - that means there should be thousands of sets of eyes, hands, ears and whatever else looking to bring and add value to the ecosystem.

Most of us aren't investors or business owners though, me are employees or unemployed and rely on others to provide the infrastructure and value streams for us.

We have user mindsets.

This can change though and I feel that more and more people are recognising the value of ownership due to the pain of disinfranchisement at the mercy of government, bank, corporation or social media platform. It takes time and for many, much more pain.

Don't worry, the hurt is on the way.

Does this discussion have any value for you? Is this what constitutes content that can be built upon, or is it the same as a selfie?

What can you expect from a guy out walking his dog.

Well, it is my 4th wedding anniversary today and while my daughter is getting better, my wife is now ill. In the end I bought my wife a spa treatment she can use before she starts her new job and hopefully it makes her feel better in some way.

I also picked up some sushi and it is time to eat.

[a Steem original ]


I love reading not only your posts but also the comments of your readers. Seems like everyone is helping each other to become more intelligent.

For the last two years I have spent a lot of effort trying to attract and connect with people who offer value to the community and I think that for those who stop by regularly, the comment section under my blog is very valuable in helping understand a great many things better. My goal about two years ago was to build my blog to be a community node that can support and inspire in various ways, and I think that while far from where I wanted it to be, considering the space and the markets, it is doing okay because of the people who gather here, yourself included. :)

I think it is unfortunate how some do not like smaller and quicker posts here or even go as far as saying proof of activity apps like @actifit are spam... While I understand the overload to their feeds, if we truly want to become a place for everyone, we need to be open to all types of content. I have seen others user second (and even third) accounts to handle this but I think it all defeats the purpose!

I tihnk it does defeat the purpose but perhaps through frontends, solutions can be found where an actifit post will only appear to some people who browse for example, sports.

I would like to add smaller posts but feel that with the amount I write, it would seem rapey of autos.

I don't mind the occasional photo of a lunch or selfie. But it can certainly get old fast. Adding value to any post is certainly appreciated for the reader.

Then again value can be objective. While some may see a simple phone as nothing more then a lazy post, others may see it as art that makes them smile. An insight into the posters day...

I don't know. It's hard to think much right now because my son is in full running around crazy mode... Maybe I will write about him soon, with photos...

Happy dog walking....

But it can certainly get old fast.

There are profiles that scroll for eternity just of selfies and--- people follow them?

I don't know. It's hard to think much right now because my son is in full running around crazy mode... Maybe I will write about him soon, with photos...

I think these are often interesting posts where a little of life creeps in, but that could just be because I like to do that when I write as it connects me more to the work.


Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks. I am not sue if 4 years is a worthy timeframe to be congratulated for :D

It could be these days. :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

True, I have a friend who has two marriages with less time in when added togather :D

You bring up a few different points that are great discussions in their own rights. The one of how a few users who inspire the mass of users is one that has been on top of my mind lately. It's important to have strategies to find and onboard those few users who can inspire the masses if we want to grow Steem, imo. Having just 1 large influencer come here and show their audience how they earn could radically change Steem for the better.

p.s. happy anniversary! Spa days always do the trick ;)

The one of how a few users who inspire the mass of users is one that has been on top of my mind lately.

Getting one large name on side, leads to two large, 10 medium and 100 small influencers. Influence tends to cascade.

p.s. happy anniversary! Spa days always do the trick ;)

She didn't get me anything...

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