Busy bees and biased blindness

in #thoughts6 years ago

When someone asked a few weeks ago about my new job and whether I am planning on quitting my business, I told them my new job is my second job. What they took this to mean is that I am not taking my second job as seriously as my first and told others this. Nonsense. It is interesting how people apply their own meaning to words someone else says and then put it forward as if it is what was meant.

This is of course a demonstration of how our own biases color our judgement and evaluation of the world in which we live as, that is the only way we can actually judge. I am yet to meet anyone who has ever been able to be truly objective in evaluation as it means taking out everything that they have learned and all preferences they have up until that point, it is near impossible, at least for most of us.

Because no one can truly put themselves in the shoes of another, the further one is away from the behaviors of that other, the more inaccurate the judgement becomes. For someone who struggles to make it through an eight hour day, someone working two jobs means that they must be working at a percentage value at each instead of all they can. I wonder what would happen if they saw how I spent my late nights writing on top?

While I don't imagine doing these kinds of hours for the rest of my life in the same way I do them now, it isn't the hours nor the effort that is the issue. What would change given the opportunity is what I do in those hours and that doesn't necessarily move so far away from what I am doing now as essentially I am doing what I want, just not quite at the level I want to do it at yet.

I have three streams of work that I put my effort into currently. The first is my business consultancy that gives me the opportunity to problem solve and strategize with customers as well as help people improve their position in a multitude of ways. The second is the job I just took where I have the opportunity to get into an IT business sector with a network of professionals and developers who are pushing some of the corporate boundaries in information management.And of course third is Steem, where I have the possibility to learn, interact, earn and build a global network in an immature industry that is going to change the way people do just about every kind of transaction their life contains.

And, I work hard at all three equally because, all three are essentially leading toward where I want to go along slightly different tracks. The three tracks all compound against each other and if I am able to successfully negotiate them together, will combine at some point into a highly interesting and lucrative field of play. People want to do what they love but they expect that what they love is going to be singular, that they must be monogamous to a single field of study without recognizing that when it comes to interests, there is no such limitation. While I am faithful to my wife, I am polyamorous in my fields of work.

People like to entertain themselves with activities that can vary a lot from the next person but, someone who is entertained by work is seen as strange. I am strange. The interesting thing is that my boss is much like me too, she loves her work and, she loves the different kinds of work she does outside of her core job also, which is likely part of the reason she hired me. There are very few people I have known who are as dedicated to, talented in and as diverse in that work as she is, it is actually quite inspiring. As a result, she brings out the best in her staff and, they are open, relaxed and happy people.

At some point in the future, my plan is to combine these three loves of mine in a way that will not only leverage them, but will benefit each of them and the people associated around them. I will be able to provide solutions for my clients, options for my company and, users and application developers for the blockchain. And while doing this, I will be able to satisfy my own various needs financially as well as from the perspective of purpose that I value in my own life.

I think that this could actually be the difference in the way some people view work as while many work because they must in order to pay the bills, I have a sense of purpose through the work that I perform and therefore, I have no issue putting the effort into all areas I turn my attention toward. I am pretty lucky.

[ a Steem original ]

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I have a sense of purpose through the work that I perform

A fortunate state of mind to be in...helps in bridging the body and spirit along with it.

Yes, I don't mind high volumes of work if I feel that what I am doing is leading to where I want to be so by default, is valuable to at least me. Generally, I like to have my work favor more than just myself and lately that has been the case so, I am pretty happy, albeit a little tired.

Generally, I like to have my work favor more than just myself and lately that has been the case

The 'greater' reward lays within the work we do holding the interests of others in mind, not just 'self'; in my opinion.

I think that this is going to become very apparent in the next decade as the self-absorbed find themselves lonely.

"All the lonely people...Where 'do' they all come from?" - Beatles

«-A Man With A Vision-»

But never forget, that you also have to sleep sometime. };)

Sleep is for the weak. =)

When I was 8, I saw Nightmare on Elm Street 3 at the drive-in theatre with my brothers. Perhaps that is why I am not keen on sleeping much :D

I had the hunch there was a reason. :p

This is encouraging to see the approach you are taking as it serves as a reminder that the limits we often feel are self-imposed. Your commitment for your family is clearly a driving force to move forward and achieve the results you will benefit from in the future.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Most of the limits we have when it comes to these kinds of things are far from physical I think and while many people doubt and say impossible, what does that actually mean? It is a judgement made on limited knowledge.


am yet to meet anyone who has ever been able to be truly objective in evaluation as it means taking out everything that they have learned and all preferences they have up until that point, it is near impossible

I think it is a big part of being human, can't really blame anyone for this

It is human to judge, even poorly. We should just remember how prone we are to making errors in judgement and the effects we can have on ourselves and others. Many like to judge under the assumption they are correct without stopping to investigate further.

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