A little less contribution a little more action please

in #thoughts5 years ago

Short attention spans are common these days as it goes hand in hand with the instant gratification process that so many adhere to, and then wonder why they aren't rich. To invest into life changing value, takes risk and generally patience but the short focus that is encouraged even more by short and shallow content makes it out of reach for most people. That is okay, we all have our journey through life.

Perhaps this is just the way it is going to always be, while some will find ways to adapt and grow despite the conditions, the majority will spend their tie waiting for the right conditions to form. And when it doesn't go their way, which is the way they expect it to go, they complain and lay blame. This isn't only on Steem though is it?

It is funny how people seem to treat Steem as something that is independent from other aspects of life and do not factor in all the influences that affect experience here that are external. Many don't recognize the difference in skill and knowledge that people carried in here with them either. What skills did you carry in, are you a developer? An economist? What?

Many people who have come from other social networks are used to the drama of social media as that is what gathers attention, the only currency that most people have on those platforms. So, they become attention seekers, shilling themselves and their ideas with the clickbait BS of "just wait and see" and "tune in later". Attention seekers are interesting because they all think they are worthy of attention, but deny that they are looking for it. Narcissists that think they are important enough and believe what the offer is valuable enough, that people who aren't even interested in what they offer should support them.

Is it though? What value does it have?

On Steem for example, what has value for price? I am pretty sure that the poem I wrote last night didn't push prices much, but I will take credit for Steem riding a few percent higher today. No need to thank me for adding that 3 million to the market cap.

However, over the space of years I am pretty sure that I have influenced people's behavior on Steem in various ways and those people have gone on to influence others. This is a network effect akin to word of mouth and if it encourages people to improve their deliveries and take advantage of the blockchain in various ways, that does help the platform.

Maybe it doesn't since I can't tie it to an increase in price. Perhaps the fall from 8,30 to 20 cents was because of one of my poems that didn't hit the mark. Sorry, I didn't think it was that bad, but the 1.5 billion fall was me too. Oops.

I find it interesting how pompous many people are as they believe that they bring so much value to the blockchain that the place wouldn't survive without them. As I have said before, I have seen many people who considered themselves irreplaceable, get replaced. Adapt or die as a contributor and that is what employees are. As soon as they no longer hold value, they are out. Owners however have a different life path as even if they are unable to adapt with their work, their ownership protects their relevance in the organization.

What I like about Steem is that I can be both, I can contribute what I like which is often what I consider as value-adding to the community in some way and, I can take a small piece of the ownership responsibility that allows me to benefit from and enable others in various ways. I don't have a very good employee mindset however, I know many that do not want to be owners of a business as the cost to their time and energy coupled with the risk of failure is not what they are keen on taking aboard in their lives.

That is okay, not everyone can own a business and not everyone need to in order to benefit from it but, those that do own have to have enough attention span to stick through good and bad. This is something many people no longer hold which is why most will always be employees or worse, unemployed and reliant. People complain about governments and taxes yet, how many here are living off them and benefiting from the social services they supply?

If there is a better way then it has to come down to ownership and provision but that ownership has to be spread wide enough that it can support all of those who are unable or unwilling to participate. Or, should we just cut off the ones that are unable and unwilling to add value into the ecosystem that benefits others? Doesn't sound great but, it is doable as after all, it is already done.

That is not the plan that I have but I also understand that regardless of the end-goal, it takes time, patience and dedication to reach it and those with short attention spans are likely going to flitter from experience to experience without ever owning a thing. This is fine too but eventually, they might run out of flowers to flit from and be left homeless. Is that my fault? We all own our own experience don't we?

Someone said that they no longer see Steem as a place they feel about, they see it as a tool and a tool is to be used. That is good, finally. It is a tool and it should be used in the same way a hammer, nail and some boards can be turned into a house and made into home. The thing with building a home though is that it requires skills to build and if you don't possess those skills yourself and have no friends who are wiling to build it for you, you are going to have to pay a carpenter, bricklayer, tiler, plumber and electrician. Do you have the skills or own the funds to build your home?

As said, what I like about Steem is that I can be many things here and contribute in many ways, even if my poetry sucks.

[ a Steem original ]


Why do I get the feeling this is aimed at someone in particular...? 🤔

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No one in particular but, some people might relate to it :)

For anyone who "knows" you, @tarazkp ...

"However, over the space of years I am pretty sure that I have influenced people's behavior on Steem in various ways and those people have gone on to influence others."

... of this, there should be no question. And not "for a few minutes" either. But, week in and week out, month in and month out, you have a remarkable record of consistency. And "talking straight" ...

Great "word picture" ...

"... it takes time, patience and dedication to reach it and those with short attention spans are likely going to flitter from experience to experience without ever owning a thing."

... to follow this with your home building analogy. No doubt many come "in here" without the character traits which any successful enterprise requires.

Your use of the word owner and all that entails is well thought out and, for the most part, I agree with the points made.

Over my first year "in here," though, it is increasingly clear to me what the limitations are of a "decentralized blockchain." With its associated "impotence" to address some of the universal shortcomings of human nature. Shortcomings which have resulted in various types of authority structures "in the real world" ...

I'll stop before I go any further in writing a post into a reply / comment, as I've written from my perspective in my latest post ...

To close, I sincerely respect all that you "bring to the table," in your steady effort to positively influence the future "in here." May it result in a many fold increase in "your kind" ... 😉

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... to follow this with your home building analogy. No doubt many come "in here" without the character traits which any successful enterprise requires.

Yep. And they think that this is disconnected and easy. It isn't and most likely, many of the people who are successful here now are successful in various ways other places too.

Over my first year "in here," though, it is increasingly clear to me what the limitations are of a "decentralized blockchain." With its associated "impotence" to address some of the universal shortcomings of human nature.

A large part of the problem is that we carry with us the baggage of our past and rebuild it wherever we land. It makes it hard to have new if one keeps building the same layout over and over.

We have a long way to go, there will be many mes, yous and everyones one day.

I'd be very interested @tarazkp ...

"A large part of the problem is that we carry with us the baggage of our past and rebuild it wherever we land. It makes it hard to have new if one keeps building the same layout over and over."

... in having you expand on this part of your reply, as you have chosen to write it, apparently in response to part of what I wrote ...

Thanks in advance!

The blockchain is just a protocol, inanimate, a tool. However it can be shaped and deliver essentially any digital content we can imagine, it can be set up to calculate in near unlimited ways yet, we end up making it look much like it looks in the rest of the world, the world we know is failing.

Think about the scammers, plagiarizers and the like here and then wonder, what do they do in the real world? What do they consider their moral or ethical set of behaviors? This is the same for the people who behave in many different ways, are they fundamentally different from their real world persona? Probably not, it is just in the real world they have to hide some behaviors because otherwise, they will get locked u or punched hard in the face.

We repeat what we know, even if what we know isn't leading us to where we want to be.

First, thank you for investing the additional time to come back to this @tarazkp. I don’t take it for granted …

”This is the same for the people who behave in many different ways, are they fundamentally different from their real world persona? Probably not, it is just in the real world they have to hide some behaviors because otherwise, they will get locked u or punched hard in the face.”

[emphasis added mine]

What you have written here, with much of it we are in agreement. But the heart of what I am saying is here in your response. In the “real world” there are the consequences based upon what I prefer to call the “Law of Sowing and Reaping.” An immutable law. Resulting in significant “behavior modification,” however grudgingly and / or superficially that might offered (yes, of course you and I likely know some “rock heads,” who even in the face of extraordinary “blows,” still are destructively determined to forge ahead.) …

But … What about “in here?” There is no related digital version of this. And what is the result? As we can reasonably and logically expect, with no serious consequences to restrain poor excuses for ”moral or ethical set of behaviors” we have a “wild west” carnival atmosphere in far too many corners of the Steem blockchain. Where “good” people get hurt by “bad” people, with no significant consequence ...

Well, I’ll stop. And get on with my day “out there” … However much we may agree or disagree on this, I would assume we can both cheer any progress made toward a better tomorrow, than we have today. With you, at least so far, I am still willing to move forward, on the basis of that hope …

As we can reasonably and logically expect, with no serious consequences to restrain poor excuses for ”moral or ethical set of behaviors” we have a “wild west” carnival atmosphere in far too many corners of the Steem blockchain.

It is a selection bias of a sort once you realize that the first people in are generall tech-based and crypto maximizers. Traders themselves don't worry much about community as the goal is to buy low, sell high. Often that is zero sum, but not always in crypto at the moment.

However, what this means is that they have lived a life where their trading behaviors are not connected to the well-being of anyone else. This makes for some strange personalities once they are grouped together in a place like steem.

Yes @tarazkp ...

"However, what this means is that they have lived a life where their trading behaviors are not connected to the well-being of anyone else. This makes for some strange personalities once they are grouped together in a place like steem."

... understood and agreed. While I was not "in here" at the time, I have certainly read enough about the "ninja mining," etc. to get the general idea.

The sad reality is we are still today dealing with the ... uhhh ... "ripple" effect from decisions made that far back - "dinosaur years" in crypto terms ... And the combination of technological advances and inevitable competitive pressures is relentlessly moving forward - a part of how markets work that doesn't seem to be well understood "in here."

Or, perhaps better, somewhat understood, but ignored / glossed over / ?...? due to the fact they represent some "cold, hard" realities that many would like to pretend don't exist. I have certainly seen the "ostrich approach" employed enough over my long years. But, never successfully long-term ...

Long term the probabilities nearly always win but everyone believes they can beat the odds. The legacy effects left from the start of steem will reduce over time.

For the most part a house being built can be a good metaphor, but I think a missing element that’s causing a good deal of the unrest is the massive first mover’s advantage affecting how hard it is to start recently and still get a house built that has a roof. I had enough cash and time to invest to make it worthwhile for me, but many are short on one or the other. I sympathize with that and hope we can find a way to make code balance opportunity a bit, or people will keep searching for places they can have early adopter advantages.

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Yes @indigoocean ...

"... early adopter advantages."

... this, coupled with an "economic incentive" structure that doesn't ... uhhh ... "reward" sufficient numbers of them interacting in a "win-win" manner with the rest of us "in here" ...

but I think a missing element that’s causing a good deal of the unrest is the massive first mover’s advantage affecting how hard it is to start recently and still get a house built that has a roof

I don't see this being solved quickly by more distribution of Steem, bu I do see it shifting with SMTs as it is possible that SP has no influence over SMT distribution so there will be new first movers and they are unlikely to be the large accounts now. Having them as the earners and SP as the core investment brings in much more house building potential. Yeah, eventually there needs to be more people here too :)

even if my poetry sucks.

Me too... terrible at poetry... :)

There was a dim lad named Jack,
Who had a very wide butt crack,
He bent over some hay,
Meaning to pray,
But fell on his arse then his back.

Way to go mate.. thanks for that!! geezz...


It's all lies... this is reality!

I made that up in around 20 seconds.. what could I do if I really thought about it...? ;)

The flexibility to earn here is a great example of how we can adjust. Not only content creation and curation but investment and development; while being free to shift among them!

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A flexible investment opportunity that is held in one bucket.

I've decided that I want to contribute. Not contribute but con-tribute.

I'll start making remakes of all the cons I've seen around here as tributes to the originals.
It'll be perfect.


I think you should start an alt @con-tribute

No one is irreplaceable. Those who think steem will die without them are free to leave.

Many do, and then they come back to what should be dead :D

I haven't read your poetry so I don't know if it sucks.
I guess it's way better as my writing. I doubt this is the place to be for a poet or writer and if so, its hard to reach out for the right people.
It is not quality that is appreciated most here but quantity.

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I doubt this is the place to be for a poet or writer and if so, its hard to reach out for the right people.

The place is fine but it takes more than a single niche to get support. In time, this will likely change as the ecosystem grows with apps and users but for now, interest areas are elsewhere for the most part.

I am impatient and value-minded. It was difficult, it still is, to justify spending hours and hours writing and curating to build up my account organically. Most of my growth comes from buying Steem to boost my stake. I think that in time, as my votes and posts count for more, I should become less reliant on putting in money. For now, the time commitment is too costly for the returns.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The main stream is so called because it's a main stream, isn't it? I think maybe five percent of a population are innovators, driving new narratives and the hitherto unthought, unknown. Without this main stream the creative, different and lateral thinkers would have no attention. Creativity breaks new ground when someone does or communicates something in a completely unusual way. But the masses hold those mavericks, support them, provide them with what they need. To regard oneself as average and largely adapted may not please the ego very much, but it is more truthful than being outstandingly different. Those who would like to swim against the trend, who would like to create their own trend, probably criticize the average person because they want to escape from the ordinary themselves, but somehow do not manage to do it consistently. Owning something and enjoying it is more of an exception than the rule. Not because of the rich possibilities, but just in spite of the small possibilities to be creatively or entrepreneurially active, gives impetus. If it were possible for everyone, then it would be nothing special any more and would be common property again.

Nevertheless, influence can be exerted everywhere and at any time. Not to underestimate this and not to spread the word overzealously or unconsciously is not easy to find in the age of the media. Since everyone can publish something at any time, the loud and shrill supposedly wins. But on the other hand, in real interactions in a group, this is not necessarily the case. I think that quality always prevails and that the true creative always wins through aesthetic principles. You can't do anything about it except enjoy it and find it good. I think majorities are mercilessly overestimated and don't really need to fear that minorities don't have much influence simply because they are so few. History has always shown that the few who have distinguished themselves through benevolence and cooperation were and will be the winners of hearts. I think that what is quiet and does not attract much attention has great power. You just don't talk so much about it because it provokes so little. But that's in the nature of the thing.

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