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RE: Long bears and greying beards

in #thoughts5 years ago

What is risky perhaps is spending 45 years working for other people's dreams in the hope that at some point, it will provide enough money to live life the way one wants to live. How many in this world actually manage that result?

When I've whined about this to the outlaws (or sometimes other people as I don't usually talk about this kind of thing other than to be annoyed/derisive) they always just shrug and insist that it absolutely has to be that way and that there is no other possibility whatsoever because otherwise the entire economy would collapse and that absolutely all alternatives bar none are infinitely worse because it just is XD

5am DX that time doesn't exist unless I'm still awake, definitely not a time I'd like to wake up at XD So to clarify the webinar was in the last 3hrs of the 10hr day not an additional 3hrs tacked onto the 10hr day right? Sounds pretty intense either way x_x glad it's your thing as it sounds pretty nightmare to me XD Hope you get packed and ready without waking anyone up and that you got to wherever you need to be with no dramas ;D


5am DX that time doesn't exist unless I'm still awake,

Those were the good old days. Then they were the days of with child.

Many people can't imagine a different world than the one they have lived.

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