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RE: How Google Is Literally Changing Thoughts Worldwide (Wether Intentional Or Not)

in #thoughts7 years ago

You are highlighting a real issue with quite the significant ramifications.

Essentially, we have algorithms that sort the internet for us, be it Google/YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, eBay or any other site hosting or allowing access to a wide variety of information, content or products. And what people get shown as a result for their searches or in their feeds, is bound to have some effect on them and their perception of the world.

That's why the responsibility falls on each and every individual to seek out reliable sources and to make up their own minds not just based on what an algo has determined to be popular or likely to keep you coming back to the site (which is usually the algo's main objective).

Unfortunately, most people don't give these type of things much though and just accept what they are served and quickly move on. On some seaches and issues that's fine, but sometimes, some digging is desirable despite the fact that most people do not engage in it.


Yes 100% , critical thinking and questioning everything is the perfect way to really help decern what is and isn't good for the world, or at the very least, source!

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