Thoughts Analysis Paralysis

in #thoughts6 years ago

How many times have to been willing to get in a trade but somehow you start to over analysis the current movements and you end up not doing it?

When was the last time that this happened to you? I think I've been day dreaming more frequently of great trades and charting more often but ending up trading less, in fact the more I read the less I trade not really knowing how to trade correctly and which kind of trades I should be making. There are many ways that one could possible make good trades no matter what kind of market we are (bear or bull) and as @jrb450 told me yesterday, a good trader will make profit in up or down movements no matter what kind of the spectrum you like chances are that properly predicting moves will let you grab some profits.

The analysis paralysis is real and it might just be something that happens when you are thinking way to much on the outcome and not really enjoying the ride now and in the present moment, there will always be better entry levels or exit levels, better market conditions or better timing, at the end of the end it just matters to make moves, hopefully win more than you loose and end up learning along the way while getting momentum get things flowing naturally and easy.

I got this coins because I value them and not really because I wanted toprofit from them as that will be a side effect from holding them long enough, at the end you will pay for what you value and what you value is what matters to you. What do you value?

Sometimes you can read a book and the outcome of it will be just a single sentence, phrase or idea but it is up to you how you will use it to make the best outcome possible from that knowledge. In the other hand when you are constantly doing something and learning from the times you have been right and wrong(and the latter specially) you should be earning experience and getting better at it. Why stop when you are just getting started? Why fall into the analysis paralysis when the only thing granted is the outcome will either bee right or wrong? And the most important thing is what you do with the outcome, as you can learn from it and make the best of it for future usage or you can let it ruin your progress and lost your momentum. Is this what you want?

What are you trading currently? When has been your biggest right or wrong time? And what have you learnt from it?

@raserrano - Developer

@kedjom-kekuConservation Association
@treeplanterFund-raising upvoting bot
@forestfriendlyWater Saving bees



I think it all comes down to fear of loss. The reason we (I) over think things is because I'm afraid of making a losing trade and looking for assurances that my trade will be correct. If that's the case, then I'm emotionally attached to the outcome. I mean you have to be smart with a trade set up, but also you could just be wrong. Go ahead and be wrong...learn and move on. Dont make it about a right or wrong trade. Make it about how you manage your risk.

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