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RE: From my daughter's bedside: Smile crocodile

in #thoughts6 years ago

This is one thing I most desire for myself and my daughter in the future. While I say and try to demonstrate that words and thoughts from others do. ot faze my decisions, they sometimes do. I recently got rid of one of the cars at our household and we are sharing one for our daily needs. While challenging we are doing a great job and thanks to Uber, there is always an option in case there is a conflict. However, whenever I get dropped off at work or at a parent event I am asked how we do it or what car am I will be buying and it makes me uncomfortable to say I really don’t want another car... This is my current challenge to get through and when I think that it is best for our family’s future it encourages me to persist as I don’t live with any of the other, only with my family.

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When it comes to parenting, people are judgmental whenever there is a variation from their own process, even if their own has a lot to be desired. It is also funny with what various groups consider 'must haves' for life. In Australia pretty much everyone has a car but when I arrived in Finland (I needed one for work) it was more of an exception among 20 somethings.

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