Thoughts and ideas are replications of human impressions

in #thoughts7 years ago

Thoughts and ideas are replications of human impressions

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Complex ideas maybe understood by definition, which is nothing yet a list of those parts or simple ideas, that form them. Be that as it may, when we have pushed up definitions to the most simple ideas, discover still some vagueness and indefinite quality, what asset would we say we are then had of?

By what development would we be able to toss light upon these ideas, and render them by and large exact and determinate to our scholarly view? Deliver the impressions or unique assessments, from which the ideas are replicated. These impressions are for the most part solid and sensible. They concede not of uncertainty. They are set in a full light themselves, as well as may toss light on their journalist ideas, which lie in haziness.

We may achieve another magnifying instrument or types of optics, by which, in the ethical sciences and most simple ideas might be so expanded as to fall promptly under our anxiety, and be similarly known with the grossest and most sensible ideas, that can be the object of our request.

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When we look about us towards outside objects, and consider the operation of causes, we are never capable, in a single occurrence, to find any power or vital association, any quality, which ties the effect to the cause, and renders the one a dependable result of the other. We just discover, that the one does really take after the other. The motivation of one billiardball is gone to with movement in the second.

This is the whole that appears to the outward senses. The mind feels no notion or internal impression from this progression of objects. Thus, there is no particular occasion of cause and effect, anything which can propose power or important association.

From the first appearance of an object, we never can guess what effect will come about because of it. However, were the power or vitality of any cause discoverable by the brain, we could anticipate the effect, even without involvement, and might at first, articulate with sureness worried to it, by unimportant dint of thought and reasoning.

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There is no part of issue that does ever by its sensible qualities, find any power or vitality, or give us ground to envision, that it could deliver anything, or be trailed by whatever other object, which we could designate its effect. Robustness, augmentation, movement are qualities all total in themselves, and never point out whatever other occasion which may come about because of them.

The scenes of the universe are persistently moving, and one object takes after another in a continuous progression, however the energy of power, which activates the entire machine, is completely hidden from us, and never finds itself in any of the sensible characteristics of body. We realize that warmth is a consistent chaperon of fire, however what is the association between them, we have no room to such an extent as to guess or envision.

It is incomprehensible, accordingly, that power can be gotten from the examination of bodies, in single occasions of their operation because no bodies ever find any power, which can be the first of this thought.

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Laag nya ko dra huh?ngayu ko laaga lola ara kul..

Dili to moanhi kay ako ray moadto did2

Ahw...kuyog ta..ato lang tubilan sakyanan ate..hehehe

Hmmm mo sugot kaha?

Sugot lage to basta hangyuon..hehehe

Very well written my friend

And believe me when I tell you that it's the only thing that can cross the boundaries of reality and the unreal

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