51 Steem Level & Points Of ViewsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #thoughts7 years ago

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The road from 50 to 51 was quick.

The love from @mrsquiggle & @teamaustralia make posts seem more successful with their boosts in voting power.


Also, special thanks to that group of regular posse, as we unofficially support each other on our way through Steemit.

I highly recommend joining a group of some sort that you have some affinity with. I am a fan of Silver, and feel like joining a Silver group once I feel committed enough.

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Nearing 500 followers. I don't have a massuve twitter feed to import, or flashy flashness, or desirable fleshy fleshness, and using bot upvoters etc seems too far from grass roots.
Just tap, tap, tapping along. Finding my groove and planting my thoughts in the ground.
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Mentally Unbalanced, well moreso, "Mentally Divergent", has been my motto this year. All things are going ok, and yet I ebb down into depression and anxiety every now and then.
Really annoying, as some deep seeded thiughts and feelings, want to raise their head, to second guess, another group of thoughts and feelings.
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Little mind games and innuendos. I was having a drink with a guy, who is in the upper income echelon, and he said to me, just in general conversation, "I don't listen to advice from people who are poorer than me."

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It really struck me, that his whole world is tied to material wealth and success. Hearing how he was raised in poverty, hated it, and focused on getting himself as far from it as possible.

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But then I think of those stalwart souls I have met in my life. We all have met them I think. The mother, or grandmother, who sacrifices their time, everyday, in the service of others. The people who drop what they are doing to give you a hand. The person who is centred in themself. Or even the whinging grump, who reluctantly helps you, but ALWAYS, helps you. The only cost, is to watch them play the annoyed tough guy. And they don't do it for material wealth.

So, to push out our chest in triumph, yell "I have more money than you!". To gloat? To want to have others throw pearls at your feet?
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Mmm I have my doubts. Deep down it saddens me.

But I am just a cog in the system.

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I'm @jagged


Check out #steemsilvergold. I don't own any gold or silver, but there is an awesome community over there. Go comment on @silvergoldbotty to join the community, but I'm telling you don't wait because it's such an awesome group.

Yes, I read and upvote, many of their posts. They are a great bunch. Silver memes are funny!

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