Pondering the world. Spilled out thoughts....[Not sure what this is]

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)

Lessons learned:

Sometimes I'll sit alone and ponder on the world, and find myself wondering how others perceive it. It's a hard thing to fathom; another person's view on the world. How could we even begin to understand something so complex? Another person's internal understanding of this in-understandable place, that we were forced to breath life in. None of us had a choice, none of us have the answers. All we have is, what we have been equipped with, and even that, was something that we didn't acquire by choice.

So where, or who do you turn to, when you understand that no one can show you the way? We are all lost, and everything is open to interpretation. But it seems as if, even your interpretation was given to you, and is not your own. In reality, it is just a compilation of all the souls, that taught the souls, that taught you. So, in simpler terms, you ARE everyone who has came before you. Just in a newer, more informed version. Filled with all of the mistakes, and lessons learned, by your prior selves. An advantage that all of them had to do without.

Maybe its all about looking back, before YOU? So nothing can slip by your awareness that has already been noted.To ensure that you wont make the same mistake, so there is room for new mistakes, that can teach your predecessors. Could this be the evolution of consciousness? Could this potentially be how progress is truly made?

I'm not sure what this even is. Philosophy, poetry, thought entertainment, thinking aloud? I was in deep thought last night, and started jotting down my thoughts. I guess there was a few questions posed. Lol Just trying to figure things out?

Regardless, I enjoyed it, and will probably do it more often. What do you think about it? Any input? Have you thought this? Does it seem like it made sense? It did while I was writing it.

Thank you for reading it, if you did. Lol Follow me @intrepidthinker for more.

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The question that this raised in my mind was

"What if those people who came before us lied, or the history was distorted or outright fabricated to keep us from truth?"

That could easily be the case, and probably is. Lessons learned stowed away, to keeps other from knowing.

These are the things we we should question.

@tommyinthesun - that question murders all questions. @intrepidthinker this is a pretty interesting post. Philosophy for sure! And i absolutely think about those things, but its like, the more you think about it - the less you know, and the more time it takes to reach an answer that is unreachable.

Thank you! "the more you think about it - the less you know", isn't that the truth. I'm glad your mind operates on that level. Questions SHOULD only raise more questions.

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