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RE: Worth doing well

in #thoughts5 years ago (edited)

My son frequently asks, or comments, that "Daddy, we're boys. We both have a penis. Mommy and [sister's name] are girls. They don't have a penis."

And my frequent response is: "Yes, son. That's true."

Oh the honesty of toddlers ..


My daughter asked as I changed her nappy pointing to her girl parts, "What is this called?" I caught me off-guard so from the age of 1, it is Vagina. I was ready for the boy parts questions.

She has such a strong grasp of language that ii is difficult sometimes to remember that she is only three, but it makes for some awesome discussions.

I remember reading that small children (before it is schooled out of them) are naturally philosophical and ask philosophical questions. It's great if she has the language to do that. Challenging for us, maybe (my stepson asked me one day if I was day-dreaming about heaven ... that was a conversation and a half)

I have heard the same and wonder if curiosity of our world is hardwired. The schooling out happens to too many I think and perhaps with the changing ai and automation, education for employment might not be as necessary and instead it will be education for empowerment.

Sounds like a future post :)

Was it a fun conversation?

Had to power up the synapses :)

I bet. There is no tougher crowd.

Yeah, and like you say, you want to do it well.

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