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RE: Memories of lost shoes

in #thoughts5 years ago

I can totally commiserate with your poor wife as my foot is very small and shoes are hard to come by. I think this story is so telling of how attitude can turn around a terrible situation and make it livable or even, as you have said made a couple of laughs over time.

I wish your wife were with you to have a do-over but I am sure that you will bring her back amazing memories. Have a great time! I love Amsterdam!

!tip .20


There is a website called prettysmallshoes that ships out of the UK, but they aren't the cheapest and there is still an error rate unless handmade to fit. Not a common problem for most people I guess :)

It is a pity she can't come with in these trips but I am hoping that next year we can get a baby sitter and do a weekend away somewhere.

Thanks for the info! Handmade is def the best, but sometimes fitting works.

I actually took the kids and just paid the extra when possible. Best traveled kids ever with being away six out of 12 months. Until school.

But date time was equally as important.

At the moment, Smallsteps can't travel with her allergies as food will be a nightmare and the chance of her getting a reaction and feeling very bad is near certain. Won't be long though I hope.

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