
Hehe, I'm sorry. It's mean of me. The easiest way to do it is use an app on a phone. Boom, you are laughing!

I have a thick skin lol. I will play around as i have tried to find text before and made it up so yes I need to get creative.

All you need is a half decent free text app and a picture editing app that allows you to create a blank canvas. Then type away!! It's handy for text dividing. As you might notice on mine!

And I thought you could take it, hehe!!..

source - meesterboom :0p

I can take it and actually enjoy it. I will look at what I can do.

If you need any pointers feel free to tap me up, just don't make me give up all my secrets :0D

I am sure you will enjoy being tapped up so if I get stuck I will just ask you instead lol.

Yeah posts are like waiting for a bus. Nothing and then three come along at once

Bloody posts... I mean buses! :0D

Haha, I love a tapping!!

Funny or not, always source the images 🙂

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