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RE: The Agony of Intelligence

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)

I think that after reading what you wrote and seeing a lot of what you wrote, I wonder if it is the Ultimate Truth you are looking for. Science, will never cover it, nor will religion.

One of the Ultimate truths I have found is Change. The Universe was, is and still will be. That was the beginning, that is the now, and that is what will be. But then something changed. And now change was, is and will be until we return to the state of universe, stagnation.

With that change came time, time rides on the back of change. Without change there would be no time. Not in the past, not in the present and not in the future. Time needs change or we return to Universe, stagnation.

In the past there was no God, only Universe, and Universe was stagnation until Change. Like time God rides on the back of change surfing up and down the highs and lows of the slippery slopes call change. God was in the past, he is in the now, and will likely be in the future, but like time, he changes to suit where he is on the wheel of change.

I do not see your atheism as a rejection of God, but of one of a rejection of the mis teachings of organized religion. There are many Gods, and there are no Gods, things change God and Gods change. They come they go, but they will always be, never truly gone, never truly here.

You live where you need to live. You see from the between. When science can prove that there is a closed circle, a closed sphere, then change may stop, and we will all return to Universe, to stagnation. to a state of no change. Not one of decay, not one of growth, a state of nothing, of not being able to see out from the between.

There is one universal truth, there are more, I just have not found them yet. From the inbetween we look, we seek, we see.

edit:forgot to say I found this because Herbert Kikoy @wdoutjah left your post in our promote someone else drop box.

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