What We Learned From Our Parents My Thoughtful Daily Post - August 19, 2019

Image credit @stradavinonobile

What We Learned From Our Parents

Young adults share how they apply the lessons they have learned from their parents.


At home, we learned to work hard. My family used the system we called the "hard work list." At the beginning of the month, we received a list of various household chores, such as washing dishes, caring for horses, and more. We checked the chores we had completed, and at the end of the month, we were given money for our hard work based on how many we had checked on the chart. From that, I learned to work hard and be economical.

Being a Good Parent

As a family parent, my mother has a lot to do, but she always helps, helps, or listens. Knowing that she is always there is very important, and I want to do that with my own children in the future. When my mother remarried, her new husband chose to treat us as her children. Soon, a sister added to me, but I never felt that her loving and caring care was different from ours. Thanks to his behavior, my brother and I grew up in a stable, united priesthood family at home. The day we were sealed as a family was very special. His loving example taught me that a father is not just who you are — it's something you come up with.

Divine Protection

When I was a boy, Dad worked far away and always went home very late. I didn't sleep until he couldn't get home. But one night he was late, and I could not reach him on the phone. I was so scared. I remembered that my parents had taught me to always pray and ask for help when I was afraid, so I knelt down and prayed that Dad would get home safely. To my surprise, when I finished praying, I heard Dad's bike outside. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for watching over my father.

Now that I was a young boy, whenever I was confused or scared, the first person who came to my mind was Heavenly Father. I know I am always with Him and He listens to my prayers.


One night I went to my parents' room to ask for my dad, but he got down on his knees and prayed, so I left and returned after a few minutes and found that he was still on his knees. I decided to get ready for bed, thinking that she would definitely be done praying when I finished getting ready for bed. I returned to my parents' room after about 10 minutes and saw that he was still praying! My testimony grew stronger when I saw that example of my father. She truly poured her heart out in prayer to Heavenly Father.

Temple Wedding

I'm grateful that my parents told me about their romance. They became good friends at the age of 14, and they grew up learning together. Over time, their friendship eventually turned to true love, and they married in the temple. I plan to follow the example of my parents marrying in the temple and hopefully experience the same happiness and genuine love as they have.

A Home Centered in Christ

Jesus Christ has always been the center of my parents' union ever since. They focus on creating a home where the Spirit dwells and prioritizes family scripture study, family prayer, and family home evening.

My mother was called as a visiting teacher by a young mother who was struggling after a divorce. I would often come home to take care of this girl's two young sons. Occasionally we would stop in front of this woman's house when we were there, and Mom would leave a note on the doorstep. I am grateful for Mom's example that charity “does not desire for itself

My parents are always learning new skills and knowledge and are using them to build the kingdom of God. Because of their example, I put learning in my own life. The example of my parents encouraged me to marry a woman whose center of life was also Jesus Christ.

Trust in Heavenly Father and in Jesus Christ

My dad could fix anything. When I was a teenager, I asked her how she could fix things. He said, “Before I begin my work, I pray to Heavenly Father to help me. Then I go to work. ”His example taught me to be humble and to seek divine inspiration.

When my mother was sad, she asked to be healed and comforted at the Savior's feet. As I experienced such moments, he encouraged me to believe in the power of the Atonement. As a young man, I continued to feel peace and comfort in the Savior's love by following his good example.

Enjoy reading guys thanks for dropping by!

I would like to thanks to my parents that they are always at my side even if we are too far from their well, I really miss them so much. I hope and pray that time comes we were both see each other and talk about what happened for the last few years and I admit it even if it's not my fault but I accept that is my fault I am really sorry for what we have done to our family especially my youngest brother he really heats the situation we are now facing.

The Will to Find the Truth

Two years passed, and because of the changes in my family's situation, I felt very sad. My family is miss understanding. I was discouraged, and I sought God. My prayers became even more sincere, pleading with Heavenly Father to help me fix our family issues.

Don't Judge Who's Ready or Not

The Most Important Thing I Have

I have faith in God and share my blessings with others.

Thank you! and may God blessed as all.

Everything happened there is a reason


Very curious information. Of course, children teach their parents a lot. I realized that after I became a mother.

That's great to hear you've learned so much from your parents. I feel similar. They have a lot of wisdom and important things to share. I hope someday I can make them more proud as well. I hope things improve for you in regards to the last part where you mentioned some family troubles. You seem like a good spirit from what I've seen so far and I wish you well in your efforts and life in general!

Thank you so much @apolymask your kind word is highly appreciated.

That was quite enlighten. I love the fact that your step father really cared about you guys and treated you all like his children.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @maxwellmarcusart for the kind words.

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