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RE: More Motitruths

in #thought6 years ago

Artists are usually well known and happen to have more 'haters' because more people know them but I think that this situation can happen anywhere. You can't please everyone and there will always be someone who won't like you for no reason (or reason that you won't understand). I think it is important to realize this truth and simply stop worrying about that..

The thing with the family is that you can't choose them. Yes, you can chose your friends, partner, etc but you can't change where you're coming from. Sometimes it feels that it's so easy to say something bad rather than something good about a person. Why is it like this? Saying something good doesn't only make that person feel better but it also helps the person who said that. But people are different and this is also with families. My parents are simply unable to say 'I love you' to each other or to us, their kids. I truly can't remember a moment from my life that one of them would say that. And it does impact who you are..

I agree with you on what you said in the last part. Ability to do something doesn't mean that it's right and that it should be done. And this is again something what we human very often forget..

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It's been a pleasure to read them and identify myself with many of them :)


Oh darn those people who absolutely are not capable to say good things, only bad. I've met few in my life. I do not spend time with them anymore. Or if I have to, I try not to waste my life with them or ponder anymore why they can not see what they are doing. I have only once in my life said back to that kind of person who was wondering to me why I never visit them. I said pretty evil things which I'm not proud of because I was in such a bad mood. I thought that the person really deserved it. And in the end, that person hated me and talked more bad things about me than ever before. But fortunately that is in the past now. Now I hope that I'm wiser and spot bad talkers right away and turn the other way before it's too late. Because they do not want to know what I think and if I said that it's not okay, there really is nothing I can say for them to realize how awful their behavior is.

But hey, it may also be that I'm really wrong on this and the world really is such a place where thoughtful and kid people get stomped. :D

Thank you for reading my thoughts and thanks for your comment! :)

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