
Sorry to hear about your accident. I agree that a good community should consists of people from many professions.

its all good. If it didn't happen I would probably still be working at that crappy job .lol
Yep diversity is important for more that just a portfolio

Hi codebreaker, I'm following you too 😃
wishing you success on steemit!

Awesome, I'm excited to see what this turns into!

use that tag thl and we can all view UV an RS very fast

@gunsmithing will you providing weapons for those interested?

Doesn't everyone in Florida already have that covered? Haha

Ha-ha not like Texans!
But yeah, self defense is is important - and gun shows are pricey.

I'm a homesteader in Florida and I embrace the sovereignty of homesteads 😃
Happy to meet you all!


moments ago, programmer extraordinaire replied to my comment where I asked:

please explain my voting power I've read the steemit FAQ but I'm confused with my voting power remaining at 64% for the last 6 hours. I didn't know the steemstats url until about 8 hours ago, so I have never viewed my voting power at 100%.

He responded with:

@jesta Each 100% vote consumes about 2% of your remaining voting power, and you regenerate 20% of your voting power each day. If you were to stop voting for 2 days, you'd regenerate back to 100%!

I will ask followup questions later...

Where do I find the membership application post? Real new to all this stuff but I am learning. Thanks for this community!! I think it will be huge!!

Its all good you already did it. It was the post you found the community on.
Yes together we can make a real go of this. sky is the limit if we all work together

1 confusing thing for me was i entered " thl " in the steemit search engine but came up with approx. 12 results and I 'm wondering about this potential for confusion

thats why I directed every one to the tag at the bottom of the posts takes you straight there

anyone here know if my voting power will reach 100% in 24 hours?!/

Awesome!! Thanks so much!!

Your very welcome : )

This is a wonderful idea we can upvote here and help us out of the fish status and use our increased voting power on our posts and resteem eachothers' works to the at large steemit platform larger.
Am I correct in seeing the gamification of steemit? if so, do you see yourself offering a giveaway on any of your posts?


No .
I'm still in the process of vetting members. Fortunately the method of this process has revealed some very interesting things. Its designed to expose and prevent any potentially compromising individuals to the community.
This process also yields a consensus that helps decide the general direction of the community.

I see your point. And I agree, did mean to imply for the community.
I also see the greater steemit feels like a game to me.
They have included gamification features like the awards and power-ups, you see that too, no?

I have to go away for a few hours. Cheers to everyone for I enjoyed meeting you!

Have I resteemed the application page? I love what you are doing, we are in the process of creating a sustainable community in Croatia with a twist :)

yes mate you sure have ; )

@askdeano Is Croatia still recovering from the war?
I've listen to some social media internet radio/podcasts about spreading the truth about the monetary system and it was a joy to listen to their discussion about the federal reserve and the BIS...

Where I live it is a travesty, thousands leaving because the industries were not rebuilt...hence my wish to create a self sustainable community here. We also must remember it went from communism to socialism and now new parties are coming into parliament with power, and shaking it all up. But more needs to be done to bring people back. I will be sharing more of the community we are creating very shortly...:)

I look forward to resteeming it!

Sometimes I think steemians don't want to read content for knowledge, but rather be quickly entertained, upvote, resteem, rinse and repeat.

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