
You're welcome!

I've always been a big believer in giving credit publicly, where it is due, and you're the first one I read who made "post every day without fail" a priority. I thank you for that.

I make sure to hold my word because if I don't hold it nobody will value what I say.

It is a matter of honor & reputation for me.

Gods and heroes that don't hold their word in the Edda's are called "Oathbreakers".

So true.

I was just railing to myself that so many who call themselves "oathkeepers" are, in reality, "oathbreakers," because, in reality, they are in the end, not even being true to themselves.

This is why I left my first two marriages. Because the men who promised to be true to me, were, in reality, not even being true to themselves, even though they were basically good men.

Happily, the third time was the charm, and I finally found a man who is not only true to me, but true to himself, which is by far the most important thing in the end.

And I fully understand how lucky I am to have found him.

Many men are nice to score vagina till they die.
Many men are nice because mommy raised them to be nice.

No wonder women ask themselves where all the good men have gone and vice versa.

Men have become feminine and women masculine.

Globalists did that quite well.

Being nice isn't a bad thing. But being nice, without responsibility, isn't good either.

Many men aren't really men. Bottom line. And, frankly, they're not worth bothering with.
Which is why women aren't bothering with them.

I was married to two pretenders. This time I'm married to an actual man.
BIG improvement.

Good luck with the marriage, in my opinion, you cannot buy love and you do not need to sign a government contract to show a girl you love her.

The consequences of divorces are too severe for men and too good for women.

But I do not want to get all negative here, I wish you all the best and may it be till death.

Thanks. I'm actually pretty much in agreement, and although Marek wanted to get married pretty quickly, I waited eight years before finally saying yes.
As you say, we had already made a lifetime commitment to one another, and no contract changes that.

And divorce isn't always great for women, either, hence why I waited eight years to do it again.

I haven't heard about a case where a woman lost her children, her property, her job, couldn't pay and was put into jail.

Also, all men have to pay for their kids but women do not have to because they always get the kids.

It is like the government is the bloodthirsty father of every woman.

I will never get married.

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