[The Clouds Fall] , 30 Day Haiku Challenge and Thoughts on Steemit

clouds fall; a day ends
all flows and shifts; but there's light
a floating beacon

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I am still a relative newbie here on steemit. But I am, so I think, a seasoned social media denizen. This is just my first week on here and I already love it. There is no advertising; the spammers are few and not all that bothersome. I speak in comparison to other sites. Those growing pains, limited Voting Power and Bandwidth when we first sign up, allow a growth that is straight and tall. Our water doesn't get polluted. I feel I am part of building something special. And I am rewarded for my time with appreciation from my peers and of course steem. I am given a share in the growth.

Steem is not like other cryptocurrency. It is backed my more than an idea and a block-chain. It is backed by us, the people. Not to get too revolutionary on you, but the more faith and persistence we give steemit, the more value steem will have. The cryptocurrency market is falling at the moment, as the value of bitcoin is corrected. We all knew it was too high. Bitcoin is a behemoth. It will pull us all down for a while as it sinks. But not forever. It is affecting traditional markets too.

Steem has a whole lot more pulling it back up. US, you and me. We are doers and thinkers and contributors. We are a growing economy. We are the REAL thing.

Keep steeming and we will keep this boat afloat.

Photo taken of English Bay at sunset by me
Haiku also by me:)


I feel like we have a wonderful thing going here. :D

We sure do ... cryptocurrency is only a small part of that. I think:)

Nice Haiku poem with the sunset 🌅
Yes we must keep steeming, the market will go up
again... soon

I think so. There is much more security connected to steemit b/c of the blogging platform:)

I'm new to social media but I like it here so far.

It is a nice place full of good people:)

Beautiful eyes see
The sparks in others tue eyes
A new Sun arise!

Hopefully this can be helpful to all participating.

The Vision within
Wishing all the very Best
Who knows what Flows next?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64916.21
ETH 3483.89
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45