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RE: Steemit is My Place - Day 71 - Daily Haiku

Thanks. I'm actually pretty much in agreement, and although Marek wanted to get married pretty quickly, I waited eight years before finally saying yes.
As you say, we had already made a lifetime commitment to one another, and no contract changes that.

And divorce isn't always great for women, either, hence why I waited eight years to do it again.


I haven't heard about a case where a woman lost her children, her property, her job, couldn't pay and was put into jail.

Also, all men have to pay for their kids but women do not have to because they always get the kids.

It is like the government is the bloodthirsty father of every woman.

I will never get married.

I'll grant that they're not as common, but there are cases that go the other way.

And all too frequently, families lose their homes in divorce, because the court forces them to sell the home and split the proceeds, which sounds fair on the surface, but in reality often doesn't give either party enough for a down payment on a new home. Especially if they hadn't owned the home for long.

Not to mention that divorce can seriously screw with your credit score, making qualifying for a new mortgage iffy at best, and in too many cases, the lifestyle of both parties takes a sharp dive after the fact.

The reality is that the only real winners in a divorce are the lawyers. It is really hard on everyone involved, especially the children.

In my first divorce, I somehow got saddled with my ex-husband's debt, despite it having been his debt BEFORE WE MET, and the fact that we had neither children nor property together.

And this was after he stole the gun we had purchased together FOR ME, which was never his to take. Insane. And good riddance.

Indeed, the only true winners are the lawyers, which are cool with judges.
Organized crime I call that shit, the law is a fucking joke.
Some fucked up rules set up by weaklings and control junkies.

No argument there.

There is a great book,"The Death of Common Sense: How Law is Suffocating America," by Philip K. Howard.

As he put it: “We need a new idea of how to govern. The current system is broken. Law is supposed to be a framework for humans to make choices, not the replacement for free choice.”

I've been saying for decades that we need to get rid of 90% of our government, and at least 90% of our laws, if not more. Our current legal system only sustains the legal system, and any real justice is an accident, no longer the primary reason for having the laws in the first place.

Not to mention that a high percentage of our government officials should be in jail, if not federal prison. Joke indeed.


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