Sometimes I End up Questioning the Questions of Life Themselves!

in #thinking7 years ago

 "Ask questions!"
"Question authority!"
"Choose your answers carefully!"

There's a lot of good advice out there, directed at those who seek to find wisdom and meaning in life. 

Some of us have been taught to question what we've be told, to make sure that we understand the true meaning and deeper implications of the answers we've been offered. If there are rules, we try to understand why they exist.

I get that!

However, ss the years have passed by, I find myself increasingly questioning the very questions that are being asked, rather than just being skeptical about the answers that come to the surface. 

What Do I Mean By That?

Don't you want to know who's asking the question, in the first place... and what their motivation might be? Humans tend to have agendas, so it bears considering whether the question, itself, valid. Which leads to considering whether we're even answering the "right" question.

View across Flathead Lake, MT-- evening

A few days ago, I was reading an article about this so-called state of "being normal" and how difficult it can be to ascertain exactly what "normalcy" is. It made me pause and think-- once again-- about the question of who exactly gets to decide what "normal" looks like.

On reflection, when people make statements about "what is normal" I have become less interested in pursuing and understanding the answers... as opposed to questioning the validity of asking that, in the first place. Who gets to ASK? Why should their word be regarded as the definitive opinion? Why is this even a question that matters? What qualifies them to be asking the question? And why are we asking this question-- what's "in it" for this person (or "authority") to have an answer?

Maybe I am being paranoid, but I want to know WHY the question is even being asked.

No, I am not "Shooting the Messenger!"

What is this green sphere?

Lest it sounds like I am trying to be difficult and "shoot the messenger" here, I really am not. I am just questioning the questioner. I don't think we do that, enough. This is more a result of increasingly observing a world in which it seems like people-- often identified as "experts"-- use fairly arbitrary standards to determine that something is a "problem," so they can later come back and offer a "solution" that they will sell to us at considerable profit.

And many people buy the idea, hook, line and sinker, without really pausing to get a deeper understanding of what is happening. 

Now, I'm not trying to say that there aren't legitimate problems requiring solutions. I just want to make sure I'm not being duped by yet another "modern-day snake oil salesman!" If we can establish that I'm not, then I might become interested in pursuing some answers. 

How About YOU? Do you ever pause to "question the questions?" Do you sometimes feel like it's not our answers or skepticism that are the problem, but that the questions being asked are the wrong ones? Do you think people "profiteer" from creating problems, and then selling the solutions? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180214 18:47 PST


“Don't you want to know who's asking the question, in the first place... and what their motivation might be?”

^ oh man, so many thoughts on this one!! It is a huge principle in influence science to frame the discussion by asking the right questions. That power can of course be leveraged for good, but it can also so easily be used to deceive oneself or others... as you kno ;-)

It’s been awhile, my friend. Ive had to be absent from Steemit over the past month because of huuuge life changes and I totally abandoned reconnecting with my fave writers on here =] glad to see you are still doing well!!

Hi @vron, good to "see" you again! Yeah I know what you mean... "life happens."

And yes, the whole nature pf questioning can definitely be leveraged for bad as well as good-- these days I fear more on the negative side as many try to exploit the "financial gain" angle without considering the human factor.

I’m glad we are on the same page . I’m always questioning life and the questions within the questions . The more I question , the more I realize there’s more to life . It’s an endless cycle of love , hate , fear , disappointment , happiness , etc..

Indeed! And I have increasingly come to value and respect the old truisms from the Avatars of days gone by: "The more we learn, the less we know" and such. All we can really do is try to stay in a state of wakefulness and presence... and if we manage to pick up even just HALF of what is suggested "between the lines," then we are doing better than most folks out there!

I am trying to get rid of this, because I had to realize two things about it. First, people don't like it and you end up being alone if you bother them with it. You are "funny" or "wired" or a "troll". Most people just shy away directly and limit themselves to their fully defined framework. The second reason is why they do so. It's because it doesn't make happy, the opposite does. Shying away and exclusively sticking to what is given and only turning into directions that are fun in the broadest sense. And that is also why I see it as better for myself: The chances of getting a smile on my face are just incredibly much bigger.

Bottom line: It's true, ignorance is blissful.

Well, people don't like to have the roots of their belief systems messed with... that's definitely true.

Thank you for your philosophical intuition. I have been pondering all sides of realities since I was a wee child. As I have grown older I have resigned to believe that "knowing" is never the answer. All plains of pondering have validity and mine are just creations of a multitude of levels of existence. A simple question is just that....the aftermath is where each individuals path lies. It's fortunate that we get to choose where we go after that "?".

One of the things I try to keep firmly in mind is that "information" and "knowledge" are NOT the same as wisdom.

You got that right....and each beings wisdom is for their soul alone. Hopefully though it can contribute to the higher consciousness of our human existence.

Absolutely!! Asking the questions, and questioning the questions is equally important in my opinion!

1 unfucker badge tiny.jpg

Well Dani, it's going to take a lot of questions and answers to get the world unfucked. So I guess we'll jus have to keep questioning...


Off course, that's how the world works..
Creating problems and then selling the solutions.
But most of us do not question it and play along.
And there are many who want to question but are powerless

Well, I reckon that if we at least wake up enough to realize how the world works we can also learn to set better boundaries... and in the process feel a little less powerless.

I totally agree on that..

Well I certainly feel that a lot of times people are asking the wrong questions.

For example, nobody ever asks me if I'd like a free pizza....... or if I would prefer not to work tomorrow.

There you go! Some fine examples...

In all seriousness, though... when you pay attention, a lot of times you discover (in politics, religion, for example) that people are asking the "wrong" questions as a deliberate way to sidetrack people from asking the real questions of deeper meaning.

I’ve never thought of it framed like that. Very interesting to think about. I try to think critically but I don’t think i’ve questioned the motives of the questioner enough.

I guess I have just become an old cynic... it feels like so often we are asked "leading" questions that we answer in good faith, and then it turns out they were used to manipulate us.

I think it’s important to skeptical from all angles. Another thoughtful post.

Questioning the question is the best way to get to the very depth of the question itself. And the most important thing is not to stop asking questions because curiosity has its own reasons for existing. @denmarkguy

Very true, yes! Maybe I am curious, maybe I just like to get to the deepest understanding of people's motivations.

Such a winderful.and interesting topic by @denmarkguy
I'm realy interesting abd respect to yoyr uncommon ideas...
Wel done sir...

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