It’s a lonely path to the topsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #thetop8 years ago (edited)


"Entrepreneur" sounds good right?

Entrepreneurs, visionaries and business man seem grand, in shows in interviews maybe in life in general but the truth is that if you’re going anywhere special you are going to be laughed and joked about. But that’s not the worse, the part that takes a toll on you is when your father tells you to get or stay in that safe job, when your girlfriend thinks she has the right to question what you are doing when nobody believes but you.
Adding to that you still have to stay in your activities most of your time most of the time alone, you have to train, design, call, focus, implement…

It’s a lonely path to the top

I’m not angry at them, they can’t see what I see and they say what they think its best. Just now a friend messaged me saying

You had your fun come back to the police you had time to put your feet on the ground.

Excuse me? have I asked you for money or something?
Not only do you not know how things are going but you presume to know better than me, alas you don’t know how to do anything else in life than work for someone.


You want to hear a popular scam going around? They say if you work for 40 or 50 years in a dead end job you get a
fraction of the money you earned and can wither away in peace. The problem with that is the money you are taking off your pay check is already spent on something by your government so it’s always less every ear. Also you have to spend time doing something you hate… and is it for a grand purpose or something you want?? NO
It’s just something to get by after you had 40 years in a job like that do you think you are willing to go and finally open or manage a project ? The only thing you know how to do by then IS getting by.

We all have to do what we have to do to get by, and I’m alone if I had kids or parents to support I wonder how it would be, but at the end of the day if you remember what you really want you will work another hour in your project in you pictures or video or music or beauty… if you don’t nobody will… what do you resonate with? Who do you resonate with?

You need to do it

I didn’t understand this rant when it was told by someone else because I didn’t feel it, now I do, if you think I’m wrong that’s fine if you want to tell me what’s best because you think you can help that’s fine but don’t presume to know anything, also don’t feel bad when I make it and you were wrong about me I won’t want anything from you,

You thought you were right you did what you had to, so did I.

Follow @diogo.jesus


Would be nice to be a boss but alot of stress comes with that. Soon we will be working until we die and still pau the government for nothing in return

I don't know if thats soon the situation is clearly critical with the FMI draining europe and Banks draining US. The FEMA camps are in place but still its better being your own boss and yes you also get stress with that still worth it... until now at least

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