The Robots Are Coming: The Story So Far - Content Links #1


The robots are coming and there's nothing you can do to stop it, though the question begs; why would you want to? This mini series has so far looked at a number of issues surrounding the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), robots and indeed cyborgs.

The term robot is actually a very broad one, however when most people think about robots they think of the Will Smith film/Isaac Asimov book iRobot, or perhaps even the more recent Ex Machina.

However the term really is broad, and encompasses any machine that is able to carry out a repetitive task without supervision. By that definition the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) train in London, England, is one of the first robots to be introduced to the British public.

The DLR has never crashed, has never gone crazy by speeding through stations without stopping, and as far as I know, has not tried to take over the world (yet).

Robotic Spectrum

But of course the DLR train is not controlled by an artificial intelligence, or at least not one that we would deem to be true AI. It does not make autonomous decisions that are outside of its operating parameters.

In the thirty or so years since the launch of the DLR artificial intelligence has been steadily, or rather exponentially improving.

Not only are we seeing improvements in the technology, we are also seeing changes in our relationship with the machines.

It is this change in relationship between human and machine that fascinates me, simply because these changes don't just encompass how we view machines. It also takes in the fact that we are slowly adding more machinery to our own biology.

This melding of technology and human biology is creating a whole new generation of cyborgs. It is happening right now around us. So The Robots Are Coming series is about looking across the spectrum, exploring the good, the bad, and the sometimes ugly truths about where we are going as a species.

I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I do writing them.

The Story So Far

Surfing The Singularity - Exploring The SkyNet Fallacy In this article we explore our fears in relation to an all encompassing AI that takes over the world and then decides that humans are a bad idea. Thus wipes us from the face of the earth.

The Robots Are Coming! - 4 Steps To Futureproofing Yourself In Tomorrow's World In This article we take a look at robots in industry, where they are working now, and where they might be in the future. We then see if there is anyway against future proofing ourselves from potential job losses.

The Robots Are Coming - Know Your Cyborg: Which One Will You Become? There can be little doubt that we are becoming more machine like. From the first hearing aid, to the latest neural implant. They all point to one thing, the cyborgisation of the human race. The question is, which one will you become?

The Robots Are Coming! - If You Can't Beat Them Join Them Now we are starting to delve into how machines are helping us by melding with us, both physically and mentally. We take look at current examples in industry, and ones that are just tantalisingly around the corner.

The Robots Are Coming - But Not Yet! AI Vs RI This installation takes a look at whether we are jumping the gun or not, as regards to our fears that AI will take over all areas of human industry. We look at how white collar jobs are not threatened by robots, but instead by organic real intelligence.

The End Of Human Evolution - The Case For Digital DNA This spin-off article in the series, takes a look at the implications for if at some point we supplant natural selection with a type of synthetic, digital evolution of our own. Which will instead drive the direction of the human species.

The Robots Are Coming: Let There Be Sight! The latest in the series explores the upcoming field of augmentation. The signs are there that we will soon be able to enhance our natural abilities taking one more step to becoming a species of organic machines. In particular we look at sight and how throughout history, objective truth has been changed the better we are able to see, and what this could mean for the super-sighted humans of tomorrow.



Title image: Franck V. on Unsplash


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It really doesn't worry me at all because the positives out weigh the negatives. The jobs created by robots will fill the ones they take over, however I concede the fact that basic repetitive jobs will be wiped which is dangerous as that Is where mass employment is at and where the poorest in society work. I think we are in the transitional period where we are harnessing technology in order to become completely sustainable. Once that is completed who knows what humans will do?

Posted using Partiko Android

The jobs created by robots will fill the ones they take over, however I concede the fact that basic repetitive jobs will be wiped which is dangerous as that Is where mass employment is at and where the poorest in society work

Completely agree. It's going to be interesting, exciting and sometimes worrying to see where all this is going. On the whole though, I'm positive about most of the outcomes.

I just hope I live long enough to become some kind of robot-cyborg hybrid. 😲😁


Yeah and rich enough hahaha if not there is always cryogenics but again you'd have to be pretty rich

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah rich enough! I personally don't think cryogenics will be the future because of the hardcore chemicals it involves... we shall see!


I think it will be good, bad, ugly, and beautiful
all at once! A tetraedged sword if you will. Pick
the right edge for the better outcome. (ツ)_/¯

This take over by AI is happening and I have said before it may well be the next stage of evolution where man is dethroned.

I'm slightly more pessimistic than optimistic, but I will continue to observe. Thanks for the food for thought.

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The robots are coming and there's nothing you can do to stop it, though the question begs; why would you want to?

It's almost like you're trying to provoke me.

It is true, the robots are coming but, as you point out, "robots" is a broad term. There are very different consequences depending upon which kind of robot shows up.

Technology as a tool ... that makes us stronger, faster or more efficient ... OK, fine. Humanity has been adapting to that since the invention of the wheel.

Technology that displaces human thinking, "Strong AI" ... that's a different story entirely. If you're intelligent, you don't invent that which makes your intelligence obsolete.


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