The Last Shower ~ Original Image and A Very Short Story ~

in #theresnoplacelikehome6 years ago (edited)

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. . .

"WHOAA! Now THAT'S a meteor shower!!!"

[Very VERY large BANG ]

THE End, [.]←

This post is in response to @dreemit 's latest writing challenge:

Post:What Would You Do?

You have just been told by a source you trust implicitly that a meteor is going to take out life on earth; there is nothing that can be done to stop it, and they have no intention of alerting the public. You have four days until impact/game over. What would you do with your time?

And this is what it inspired.


Thanks for stopping in and viewing Scenario One. If you have any thoughts about this, or anything else this post reminds you of, please comment below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 04/17/2018 @ 10:36

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 61

Dreemit post meteor Black cats tripping at 3 am.PNG



In such a situation, aren't you supposed to eat peanuts, drink beer, and then activate your electronic thumb to flag down a spaceship for a ride?

I'm constructing my enormous, Mechanico-phosphorescent Sissy Hankshaw space-appendage as we speak. Hope I get it done it time...I think the deadline is tonight at Midnight, E.S.T. Do you have an extra large frapplemeister spanner I can borrow?
I do like your scenario. It sounds very literary....does this arise from a book or movie? Or just a mine-deep mind?

It is a loose description of one of the first scenes in the first chapter of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

I figured it was a reference to something lofty I hadn't read, or was long forgotten. Particularly with you and the other high scholar of Steemit, the Meestermon, discussing it. I really MUST get with the literary program....but first, I must write some more about large rocks and their travail towards our heads.

It's not lofty, it will give you chuckle cramps! He also wrote two very surreal detective stories I'm guessing you'd love as well.

What is a Meestermon?

Two quotes (off the top of my head, so possibly not verbatim):

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

The ships hung in the air much like bricks don't.

Sounds like a book or two I would definitely enjoy. And probably learn a thing or two about life and such. Love the quotes. Sounds a bit like a slightly less tilted Tom Robbins, from which my Sissy Hankshaw reference arose. A girl with enormous thumbs that lives to hitchhike. (I met a similar woman when I was hitching about NZ years back. But her thumbs were normal.)

A Meestermon is a sub-moniker for the illustrious wordtician @meesterboom

Do you need to learn about life? Anyway, according to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything, is 42.

I just remembered: one of the detective books features an electronic monk; people had got fed up with having to believe so many things, so they made a robot to do it for them.

Life is much like a bowl of Jello, always moving, always changing, with colors of added light that reflect the many hues of everything there is, down to the simplest horses hoof. So there is ALWAYS something to learn, for one such as I. Proof? 42... ("Just go read the book".)
Robotic monks of belief...I really must get these books as well. ( I do not seem to have (or make) much time to read anymore. I think Steemit may have something to do with this)

So much suspense! I was hoping to see some red shoes in the middle of the meteor, that you could knock it and go back to your home, wherever that you think it is.

Ha haaa, by George, or someone of similar fame, I think you're onto something here. Maybe you could work at NASA and help out when the real nickel-based McCoy comes streaming in from out yonder. Though I hope it does not do so. Would put such a damper on a regular day. But home IS where the read shoes are. (I fear I've been sitting here for too long, writing another meteor story...maybe a touch rummy at best ( :

I liked the basic premise but the characters needed more fleshing out and the story started to meander in the middle. Downvoted

Oh Dear. I worked on it for days, and followed 11 of the 12 "Mrs. Paul's Primary Principles of Punctilious Prose."
I wonder WHERE things might have gone literarily askance.

I find myself wondering too, sigh


Haha!! Got your taxes done I'm guessing? Not me, not yet, lolll

You go, D. I'll send positive, mental 'finish up' waves your way. I got mine done today. Only had to do them 3 times. I yi yiii. But better than the old like a mad dog at 11:50 PM to the post office, cars all backed up onto the freeway toward the P.O. Then finally drive through the gauntlet of cones and lights and cops with those lit-up, tarmac airplane waver-onner wands, up to the giant dumpster thing in the center of the 5-lane road. Once past the "Do Not Stop or Dawdle" sign, roll down the window, and toss the whole shebang out into the dumpster. Just hope and pray for no stiff cross-winds. Then wait in line again to drive home. Ah, the joy of the human condition.

The next year I got smart, and drove half way, parked, took my bike off the truck and RODE through the mayhem to the dumpster. HA, fooled them. Now I'm even SMARTER than I didn't used to be, and got them in at noon today. See, we humans CAN learn new tricks. Only hope I had enough postage.
(I did hear the IRS website is down today. Talk about a debacle of epic proportions...)

Great photo and good question! I think I’ll go to the Moon with Steemit before the game over…. ;D

Thanks muchly, and that sounds like a very good idea. To the Moon, T-mo, to the Moon, and I'll bring the green cheese grater O :

You're welcome! Ha ha! ;)

Garden and sketch with some good hot coffee. I mean everyday we could each meet our personal asteroid, so just keep doing what gives you joy, right?

A hearty 'right on' to this one. Your comment was one of the first things I read this AM, and it seems a very grand idea. I'm going to try to think of this every morning. The joys of life should be met, with an eye to the sky of our personal destiny and potential for an abrupt end.
Plus you gave me another idea for a post. Thank you for that. Enjoy your coffee and rainy day drawing. I'm not actually clairvoyant, I just read your other post ( :

I can't wait to see what your post is from my inspiration, is it about being a boring curmudgeon swearing at cat's, gathering eggs from broody hens, scribbling at dimly lit desks and sipping cold forgotten coffee off fence posts whilst muddying up an old pair of wellies? If so...well, write on, my man!

Wow, talk about it's all blown. OK, maybe not. More along the lines of one's very own personal asteroid. Not half as exciting as the dda version you laid forth above. Though the cold coffee sounds a bit...suspect... in the drink-ability realm to me. (You can tell I'm not a quaffeteure of the stuff. Where DID I go wrong back at 'University'? (I LOVE saying that. SO much more interesting and lofty than the old pedestrian "college".)) If nothing else, and I have no doubt there are many others, thanks a million for teaching me that gem on here. (I fear I am a touch simpler than a 'fish n' chips wrapper'. See, I HAVE learned other things...) Have a nice evening.

You know I meant myself as the boring old curmudgeon, right?

Oh yes, but I fear some might say I follow along in step now and then. Maybe more of a Coot...

Suck up to Elon Musk ... likes no one's business:) Nah ... I would spend a lot of time with my son and eat fabulous food:)

My nephew works for a private space company. I should start talking this up with him.
And I'm with you on the whole eat what and however much you want thing. Lot's of pizza, cookies and root beer on the beach, waiting for the big bang. Easy to say now, I'd probably really be running around like a chicken, sans necessary head.

As long as you did it on a tropical beach:)

Hmm. All that good stuff we're saving for later - will we have a chance to enjoy it all before Armageddon comes?

The nice wine, the fancy cigars, the 401K savings? Will we have time to eat off the expensive china we only take out for extra-special guests? (I might be tempted to break a saucer or two. You know, just to make things a little easier for the meteor.)

That is always a conundrum. Though more from the 'necessities' than the pleasures. Probably should enjoy the pleasures ASAP, as they can always go bad, comet or no. But the things like the 401k, how long WILL I need it? Party now, or hangover with no extra water later. Hmmm.
I like the idea of use it up before the comet takes it all though. Toss those saucers, then glue them back together and wait a week and throw them again.

Yes! Give entropy a good shake-up and prove we can make it flow backwards once in a while!

Wow, that really was short. lol

Sometimes to the point is better, particularly in end of the world scenarios ( :

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