
Vancouver is where I be:)

Cool, I have never been to the west coast but hope I get there some day!!

Ah, yes, the west coast is mighty fine! There is an open invitation and a spare room at my humble abode if you ever make it out this way:)
But I might ask you do to Reiki on my pain in the ass shoulder as a barter!​

Reiki and energy work can be done long distance. And a barter sounds good but my husband and I are LMT's so if we make our way out there we could barter for a massage. A real massage by a real LMT would do "your pain in the ass shoulder" a lot of good! What exactly is going on with your shoulder?

Age!lol What part of the prison are you in? East of Winterpeg?

Age s a pain in the arse!! The prison I am in is the worst prison in the world! Have you heard of Trumplandia

Will be heading down to Victoria tomorrow to watch the sky sparkle!

Cool!! share pictures!!


Thank you !!

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