These Pipelines are Coming through your back yard! Here's why, and what we're doing about it.

in #theothernasa6 years ago (edited)

This is all my opinion here, so check your own facts, but as far as I can see your either in, or your out.

Pipelines are mostly a contentious issue, and quite plainly, the sentiment towards them are typically black or white. You either like the idea, or are DEAD set against them.

So why are these project happening, or not happening, and what are we doing about it.
We are getting paid, no matter what side of the fence you are on!

Have you ever heard of Keystone Excel? how about Tide Water, or Trans Mountain? or Energy East? Or the ever so Famous KM lines? or the one that caught fire a couple months ago due to a rupture? These all make the news, Big News, and have protesters lining up, (and the government paid some of them to do that!) to express the disapproval of these types of projects.

Most of the people that I know, who are proponents of pipelines, are working in industry. A lot of them are professionals, Engineers, Trades people, and technicians. These are hard working professionals for the most part.

So the majority of the major pipelines that made the news, and where on the schedule to be built were wrapped up in red tape, shut down , or quashed. Until there was only one major headliner left. The Kinder Morgan TransMountain project.
Then , when there were no other candidates on the table, the other shoe dropped, and the owners of the project decided, that they would either sell it to the government, or not build it at all. These are big boys, and they don't for fun, they play to win. So now, myself and the rest of Canadians find ourselves as share holders in a national energy company..... don't we?

Well not so fast, look over here while we do something over there. This is to say, there's hundreds of Pipelines being built everyday that don't make the news.

So what are we doing about it?
I'm pessimistic on a lot of government leadership, and decision making strategies anyway, but what can I do? whether I'm for, or against it, I really think we really should try to get smart, and profit from them.


We have little control over what happens regarding these high level , closed door deals, and despite being a democracy, I don't specifically remember a vote for, or against any of them. So whats the difference?
The difference is , you can choose not to know, or understand what goes into building a pipeline, and you can argue that its a bad idea, for umpteen different reasons. But the bottom line is that its the safest way to transport liquids and gasses over long distances, end of story!

Canada is leading the globe for the quality of pipeline construction standards, for sure, without a doubt, the CSA Z662-15
Pipeline construction Standard is probably the most comprehensive, and well written standard in practice in the world to day. Bar none, other countries around the globe are using it, it's well written and expressive.

Now how many contestants of pipelines have read this book, or even understand it? I don't know, but whether I'm for, or against the building of pipelines doesn't really matter at this point, because I want to know how they are supposed to be built. I want to ensure that they are constructed to the best means available, especially since I don't really have a choice as to whether or not they are going to be built.

So where do you get your information?

Go here, there's a lot of good courses available to expand your working knowledge of pipelines. I've taken them, and if your like me you know that knowledge is power, but knowledge not shared is a waste of energy.
If I'm going to stand to have any effect on how these pipelines happen, I want to be part of the decision making process, either boots on the ground, or in some way closer than farther, so as to be effective.
I want to profit from these projects as well, and you can too.

CSA Z662-15 Welding Inspectors (these are Senior Level Guys) Make big money. They have to, they make big decisions, with regards to environment, health and safety, and deliverables.
I'm not talking about the 100$ an hour welder money, its beyond that!

So whether you know it or not, these things are being built every day.
There are resources out there for you to know and understand what they are and how they are built, and
You can Profit from them!
Whether you are a proponent or not , all these conditions apply.

Why not have a say, and why not know whats going on.

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