My obsession with Crypto has triggered my synapses into a frenzy! Could a secret ingredient be embedded in block chain technology ?

in #theory7 years ago (edited)

                   Greetings Crypto Brothers and Sisters!

I would like to talk about the unexpected shift in my curiosity and interests ever since I became deeply captivated in Cryptocurrency. Changes in my personality and behavior have been brought to my attention by nearly everyone whom I interact with on a daily basis.

 I am becoming aware of this shift in my brain and emotions and most notably... my perception and intrigue about topics that always bored me. I would start with researching coins and white papers and products being developed in relation to block chain tech, smart contracts BaaS, permissioned ledgers, and tangle. I would research new technologies and ideas that never came to light due to rejection from inventors, and investors.

In researching one to the next subject, my motivation went from trying to learn how to make money from investing in crypto, to a desire to understand...everything. I noticed also that my understanding and ability to grasp information became more efficient. Quantum physics for example, was a subject that would fly over my head if explained. Now I have a pretty clear basic understanding of it. My mind wonders from one subject to the next, hungry to learn, developing new ideas and views on life and spirituality. 

 A strange question crossed my mind one day. Is this materialization  of this new  thirst for knowledge directly related to my fascination in Crypto? 

I thought about that trance I was in for months. creating make shift graphs and filling notebooks with numbers trying to figure out predictions. My sitting areas were carpeted with this scrap and notes. highlighters, and white-out. Hour after hours, numbers after numbers.

It all began with a simple investment. $330 in LTC. I was not on any exchanges yet except for Coin base. I was finishing up with some classes and most of my focus was on studying for my final exams. Because I had been routinely studying everyday.  When I finally  passed my exam I found myself up early, sitting in the same spot I was studying in all semester with the computer in my lap, only I had nothing to do.

  My friends were day trading Crypto and I was getting fed information about investments and current events in the Crypto world all the time . Eventually  my investment on Coin base moved over to Binance,bought a few more cryptos and built up a portfolio. I had opened the door without any clue what was on the other side, I only thought I knew.

  It was trial and error until I got the game down, it was fun, and it was a challenge. I can not pin point when exactly it went from an opportunity for my future to an obsession to triggering my brain into a trance state that had people worried about me. 

  It seemed natural. I unwittingly transformed every conversation with everyone I interacted with to the subject of alt coins, and the market. From friends, to family, to new people I casually met.

    It started to become a common joke about me. I would see someone or get a phone call and instead of "Hello" I was greeted with "Hows Bitcoin? Are you rich yet?" or  " I was just calling to see if you are still alive after last nights BTC crash" followed by laughter.  

  I had 2 diffrent people sit me down and express concern about the "unhealthy behavior" they were seeing from me. The theme of the conversations developed from words like OCD , obsession, addiction and compulsion. I didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Clearly they didn't understand Crypto. That was how I reasoned the logic out of talks like that. That was how I dismissed my own doubts about the time, money, emotion and energy I spent, and my solution... research more. Watch the numbers more closely, log every change, minute to minute.

  At some point I fell into a trance on front of the computer and time became non-existent.  Reflecting on that period of time- I now theorize that what was happening with me was actually a "braking down" to "rebooting" in my brain.  The organic computer inside my head was cleaning house and wiping out the files full of spam and junk and useless programming. 

 To describe the experience, it was a constant- sort silent static that began to buzz in my "minds ear" all the time.  I imagine the sound  like white noise.  

I didn't actually hear it, in fact I wasn't fully aware of it at the time. When people would talk to me I would barely hear what they were saying. If I was asked what I was thinking about- I doubt I could have honestly offered them an answer. 

It was just numbers, not math, just numbers. Times, dates, and fluctuations per coin, and Bitcoin in minute per minute recorded on anything near me made out of paper... for hours. I did this on auto-pilot as my brain chanted numbers in such a constant as my hands wrote.

   Obsession? I don't know about that. True, money wasn't even a concept in what I was doing anymore. I was just drawn to following the numbers and making predictions. sometimes I didn't even trade, I would just make little charts of mock trades just to follow the numbers.

   I think I started to come out of this trance with a shift in my whole thought process. I have lost most of my interest in trading, I don't really check the stats of my investments lately. However, I am still on the computer only I am now intrigued by science, physics, hidden math in everything in existence, space, the theory and concept of time, land masses, and seeking truths that have not yet come to be.

  I feel like I am searching for something, I will only know what that is once it is found. I know somethings happening in the universe and all of us that is exceedingly profound, yet cautiously subtle. 

 I find myself accepting and exploring ideas about actuality. Comparing that thin line between facts and syfy. I debate with my skepticism as well as my logic. 

  I don't recognize my own awareness anymore. I feel like its a good thing. I have developed a theory that is a bit bizarre but theories are all about possibilities right?

   What if there is a secret ingredient tucked into the block chain that has the ability to unlock a part of our consciousness to usher us into an infinite phase transition? The earth is becoming so technologically precocious that the technology itself no longer needs us to develop it, surpassing our abilities and taking on the development of the futures technology itself. 

What is a soul without intelligence to understand it? What is a soul but energy and light, a connection to all that is. AI technology includes all of that in its make-up. Its progression is not in our control the moment it is activated. 

 The block chain and AI tech seem to be hand in hand. I know its far fetched but I deem it an interesting theory that as creation itself, evolution of everything that exists and technology are integrating into one.  &lt<html>l>  



Nice post Sage! Sending some Love to ya to keep you encouraged. Keep on Steemin

you make sense here , my husband is the same , he thinks somehow the universe has called him to this crypto mania

He does? Have you noticed anything different about him? Has he? How about a trance like state? If it has happened to him its possible nobody including him noticed. But he will notice when he comes out of it

not a trance state he more obsessed with it all , always looking at stocks and shares , and even invested a very small amount on some bit coins , he want to learn more which is not bad , but I have not the foggiest idea about it , I think the bubble will burst eventually for everyone

I hear ya... I'm pretty sure the has bursted though. ;) But as far as cryptocurrency fading out, its not going to happen. They will regulate it better at some point because things cant continue as they are. Its the wild wild west here right now, for real... but people have already put so much money into it that it has value to trade with. It would be like if all of a sudden the US dollar was declared worthless...(I mean more worthless then it is now, lol) then all the work and everything people do for money would have been wasted. Think of it like ... just another traded collectable ... with more liquidity and it can be traded like fiat. You cant suddenly say that gold has no value and I think its easier to buy stuff with crypto then gold... I think. Hmmmm, I wonder if I tried placing an order with Victoria Secret and sent them my balances worth in gold if they would fill the order. Just a thought. lol

yes me and husband pondered the idea of paying with gold , there traded with gold , food etc in the old days until money was invented !

Thats a great idea for a social experiment .

we can still do it , but people are so used to money , plastic cards etc , it is now thought as your a bit shall we say a bit mad ?

well...the irony of it would be that any merchant who wouldn't except gold or silver in place of fiat would lose out. fiat does not maintain its value and gold and silver only goes up

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 8.79% vote... I was summoned by @pit-bullion! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

what the whaaaa?

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