Theory of the Day -- Hollow Earth

in #theory8 years ago (edited)

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There are many far out theories floating around the internet. The Hollow Earth theory is an interesting one. Unlike the Flat Earth theory that can be disproved by facts and science time and time again, the Hollow Earth theory is a bit harder to bust. This makes it that much more interesting.

The Hollow Earth Theory

This theory states that the Earth is completely hollow. You may have heard that many ancient cultures used describe an "underworld." Since then, many different theories have arose. The most popular theories claim that there is a central Sun in the very middle of the hollow Earth. It is said that many advanced civilizations reside in this inner Earth, along with plants, animals, and more.

Gaining Access

It is said that there are two main entrances to the inner Earth. They are located at the North and South poles. One popular supporting theory is that this is the very reason planes are not allowed to fly over the poles.

Planes used to never fly over the poles because their compass would not work properly that close to the magnetic poles. Nowadays, planes use a very accurate global positioning system, so that became irrelevant.

There are supposedly many other entrances to the inner Earth. These include caves and tunnels across various places on the Earth.

Inner Earth

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The inner Earth is said to contain very advanced civilizations. These civilizations live in complete peace and harmony with nature, and are in regular contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms. Many species of animals that are extinct on the outer Earth reside in the inner Earth. Everything is bigger. Huge trees and animals live prosperously. There are plants that bear huge fruits, said to be more delicious than we could even imagine. There are even very large people, or giants, said to be up to 12 feet tall.

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Admiral Byrd's Trip to Inner Earth

Richard E. Byrd, an Admiral of the United States Navy, stated in his diary that he traveled to the inner Earth.

In his diary, Byrd allegedly tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth, along with others and traveling 17 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing tremendous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization. The external temperature was 74 degrees F.

His airplane was greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing area where he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew, were taken to meet the king and queen of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that they worried about the safety of planet due to he bombs and other testing done above the surface by governments. After the visit Byrd and his crew were guided back to the surface of the planet.

Byrd stated that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the Earth. He also wrote about seeing a sun below the Earth.

On May 9, 1926, famed American explorer Richard Byrd took off from the Norwegian Arctic island of Spitsbergen along with his pilot, Floyd Bennett, in an attempt to be the first to fly to the North Pole. About 16 hours later, the pair returned to the island in their Fokker tri-motor airplane, the Josephine Ford, saying they had indeed accomplished the feat. Byrd submitted his navigational records to the U.S. Navy and a committee of the National Geographic Society, one of his sponsors, who confirmed the accomplishment, according to the Ohio State University Libraries. Byrd was hailed as a hero, given the Medal of Honor, and went on to fly over the South Pole, as well as achieving many other polar exploration milestones. But from 1926 onward, not everyone thought that Byrd and Bennett actually made it to the North Pole. The controversy largely rested on whether the plane could have covered the distance in just 15 hours and 44 minutes, as the team recorded, when the flight was expected to take about 18 hours, given the ground speed of the aircraft.

Pretty crazy stuff! Up-vote and comment of you would like to see some more out-of-this-world theories (... or deep in-this-world).


Wow! I haven't heard or thought about this stuff for a long time! Thank you for the nicely written-up reminder.

I'm glad I got here soon enough to up vote and comment. ;)

Thank u for upvoting my content just now. Upvoted .

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