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RE: My 'Holy' Thursday 'Blasphemes' Blog, on Sunday...

in #theology5 years ago (edited)

Hmnnnnnnn....I must have missed that passage in the Bible???? Yes, I know...Saturday is 'still' the Sabbath for Jews, but the Muslims and Christians chose Friday and Saturday respectively, instead. I guess they all want to be a little different in that way...???


Seems you missed the most cheesy dirty part , how Shem , Japheth and Ham became . Jews Christians and Muslims . How an old and dirty Noah could not chance his ways after the flood . Official story tell's us Canaan (son of Ham) saw him naked so Noah cursed him ??????
Japheth being the oldest did not get Noah's wealth and lands , It all was given to Shem , Japheth was allowed to live in a tent near Shem not to own a thing . Ham and Canaan where exiled to be hunted and murdered for all eternity . As Mozes still pissed off about not being invited on Noah's sail trip went to Palenstina to build a big ass temple near some rock sticking out of the ground . So Solomon could later seduce and merry Queen Sheba from Ethiopia to let her start the first ever Christian religion , the path to Rastafari . Evidence was all lost when this temple was destroyed by great force . Not a stone was left standing . Today fake Jew's and deluded Muslim's worship an old Roman fort that was placed near the temple with a rock stuck in it's centre yard .
When Jesus lived the temple was still there , and as he pulled the curtain's away for all to see what was going on inside that temple , Sm orgie's , sodomy and sin , we choose for Barabbas to be free . Hang the Hippie ! Nail him to a cross !
Humans ? living in a land of gods and monsters , al just looking for a place to get fucked real hard. ;-) . Lana made a nice song about it , enjoy the lyrics .

Oh yeah...I seem to remember all that now...How could I ever had forgotten? I saw it on television at the time it was all happening.

Thanks for the music video...eerily enjoyable.

Lucky you , i did not have time for television back then , tried to watch but got in to trouble with some local authorities , they threw me in a lion's pit to die , when done dealing with those lazy lion's it was al over . Even recordings made where destroyed as they where stored at that temple . Best soap ever , and i missed it , bummers . Well it gave me good reason's to learn how to read , and write (comment's) ;-)

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