How about "The Nothing Day"?🤣🤣

in #thenothingday4 months ago

Sure, here's a funny poem for you:

A Little Poem About Nothing

I went to make a sandwich,
But I didn’t have the bread.
I went to talk to someone,
But they’d already fled.

I wanted to watch TV,
But the remote was gone.
I tried to mow the lawn,
But it was already dawn.

I looked into the fridge,
But all I found was air.
I tried to comb my hair,
But there was nothing there.

So, I sat and did nothing,
Just twiddled my thumbs,
And thought about how often,
Life throws you such humdrums.

Sometimes nothing happens,
No matter what you do,
But in those little moments,
You find humor shining through.


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