I have the special bestial mark to become a man!

in #themark8 years ago

I take my ailment with pride. Not to wallow in it, but to revel in it. I have this eczema rash on my hand. It is a mark i'd say. Haha just watched the latest sequel to The Ring movie - Rings. The main character gets a mark on her hand, from the killer phone call that says you have 7 days. Reminds me of the rash pattern I have. I must be chosen and special!! Well it actually comes and goes. Flares up and then goes down. Was almost gone today. I think it will heal soon. Have had it for a year now.

I consider myself lucky. I don't have i.b.s., chron's, scoliosis, or ulcers to remind me I'm on the brink of a breakthrough or breakdown. These are early warning signs. I'd call them signs of change and self awareness. If you fight against the ailment it can get worse. If you let it happen, ease into it and better your health with food and de-stress, it should work itself out.

So was thinking more about my upbringing and all the scary stories my mom told me. She talked about cannibalism, evil priests, brainwashing doctors, and child abductor killers at school. She has schizophrenia. So there was this song I found the other day that helped me relive some of those feelings in a way

I see these songs symbolism and metaphor. The church doing child sacrifice. That is not too far off. Christianity believes in punishing children. That's what they did to The Indian. In Native culture they do not punish their children. I noticed when I was young that the belief in religion was a cover for the other persons own ineptitude and fears that they push onto their children so they get to feel control and powerful over a child. But they say it's only for your own good and you must believe otherwise you will go to hell, even if your just a kid.

Yup crusading colonialism resulted in outright genocide. And our whole culture is christian. Even many ones promoting science. They tell themselves a story and then believe it. It's too bad christians take the bible as literal truth when in actuality it is all about metaphor. But with that kind of awareness of the malleablity of language they would be unable to indoctrinate.

That's why all these world religions go to shame - they didn't stop babies from starving! In fact some of them are into child sacrifice and cannibalism. In my spirituality that's how you tell when a culture is wrong - if it punishes it's children. Really the only sin is too harm children. If a society , person or institution isn't in it for the kids - they got to go...Simple as that. It's women and children first. Period. May organised religion R.I.P.

So yea, pizzagate is not too far off. It is a cultural metaphor for a molesting culture. That's real. We live in a cannibalistic, necrophilic, incestuous culture. It's time to change all that. Yeah! I would change the world just so I can feel better!! It's for the children so...time to punish our grandparents teachers!!


That's it! Take your mark of the beast! You're going to die in seven days and be born again! In the christian sense, but not the religion. Nice job on recognizing the metaphorical nature of Pizzagate. Now our job is to take that metaphor and push it to the point of complete exhaustion! Phyrric Victory for Dummies aka: Pataphysics 101.

Thanks for spitting that back at me. Even the last official album by 2pac was called 7 Day Theory

That's right! Thanks for reminding me about that! It's been weird lately, the more I mock institutional spirituality, the more spiritually in tune I feel I a becoming. This isn't just for Christianity or Islam, but for NuAge "East infections" that are prominent now in western culture. I'm collecting a lot of materials on western esotericism for study and experiments to see what kind of mindframe manipulation I can come up with. It's kind of like I'm blending the Bicameral mind with Pataphysics: The Poetics of an Imaginary Science. That's why you should read the Gospel of Hip Hop! There's some filtering to do when you are reading, but the material is really good!

yea I see what your saying sorta and I like it

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