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RE: Is Our Past Been Edited? - Explaining The Mandela Effect

No, in this case we have massive numbers of people remembering the same way, and physical evidence things are different.. not things from 100 years ago, things from 5 years ago. So massive numbers of people MIS-REMEMBER accurately the same thing... Sorry, you'll have to do better to debunk it thank that. :) LOL. Hard to understand things when you don't even know where are are who you are and what your purpose is.


So massive numbers of people MIS-REMEMBER accurately the same thing..

You do realise the logical fallacy in that statement; right?

The reason people mis-remember (accurately :-) ) the same thing, is covered in the article; because these things quickly get misquoted. It is then the misquotation that gets repeated.

Try it out, by playing a game of Chinese whispers, it is exactly the same concept.


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