
in #themadness2 months ago

YouTube stole my ten thousand videos and deleted my Google account without letting me appeal or download my data via Takeout. How do I appeal a suspended Gmail if I cannot even sign into my Google account at all, I tried many times for eight years, I tried immediately, YouTube staff ignored me every time for almost a decade, can you help me? 588/ Here is a screenshot of orange rulers who should probably be below the red admins, most members in our Oatmeal World Discord Server should probably only be green guards minus maybe five accounts who might be cool enough to be red admins; I'm looking for people who can demote. 589/ Peak Oatmeal with this baby face.

Canada announced national gun confiscation, what they do in Canada today they try to do in America tomorrow; this is bigger than trying to ban TikTok; forward this to Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Vivek, Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump. 2011-10-25 - Tuesday - 11:12 AM - L4ojsa YouTube: YouTube emailed my L4ojsa channel: "Your YouTube account l4oj might be eligible to earn revenue from the playbacks of your videos." This is the first time that I know of at the moment of an alleged potential for perhaps maybe someday earning money on YouTube if eligible allegedly according to this email and screenshot just 13 years ago in 2011.

Vacuum; review Google L4ojsa emails; videos: YouTube deleted my 10K videos ten minute video, Don't give Seb all the power with Sebastian the crab ten minutes about Discord video; watched: REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal - The Real Walking Dead: Bernthal and Reedus Unscripted, Joe Rogan Experience #1916 - Jon Bernthal, The Madness 106-108, Norm Pattis on Alex Jones, Daniel Penny Manslaughter DISMISSED, SCHEME To FORCE Secondary Verdict w/Wayne Dupree | Timcast IRL, Deny Defend Depose, House's COVID Report, Preemptive Pardons w/ Cenk Uygur | PBD Podcast | Ep. 517


Screenshot at 2024-12-06 22-21-27.png
Past Natalie

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-06 - Friday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-12-06 - Friday - 02:18 AM - Discord Log

585/ What's your story? 586/ The previous tweet was a video, did you watch it? 12:21 PM: 587/ I remember this Angelica name in our Discord Server in 2023, probably a fake name, probably not really a woman, probably involved in the pizza theft, Angelica sent me terrible private messages; seems this is the same alleged Angelica as the one I remember from 2023. 588/ Here is a screenshot of orange rulers who should probably be below the red admins, most members in our Oatmeal World Discord Server should probably only be green guards minus maybe five accounts who might be cool enough to be red admins; I'm looking for people who can demote. 590/ Why is Loner or Alliana or others not demoting the many trolls who probably shouldn't be above the red admin roles, we're looking for new gods who can bring order to the Oatmeal World Discord Server, seems to me most people have roles that are too high; nobody seems to care. 591/ Everybody under the age of 20 should be demoted below the red admin role inside our Oatmeal World Discord Server, gods should enforce this rule; seems like nobody in our server wants to enforce this rule; too many weirdos have super high roles; they all see me as a joke. 592/ This is why Spike should be demoted, most people should be demoted for many reasons including retardation which most people in my server have probably due to a disease known as Tiktoktitis. 593/ Anybody reading this should demote every single person who refuses to imprison Truly for posting NSFW and promote the first person who chooses to imprison Truly; you should promote the first person who does the right thing and punish everybody else. 594/ Please demote everybody else before promoting Andru, that would be oatmealtacular. 595/ Post this on Discord and tell everyone they should all be demoted for ignoring me. 596/ Promote the first person who shares this screenshot of this weird Men in Black squirrel to Discord but you should first demote everyone else first to below the red admin role. 597/ Post this screenshot on Discord and demote everyone who doesn't type billybreaker44 into the chat as that is the secret code, everyone who ignores this should be demoted to below the red admin role and I bet you only two people will see this at the first most, go demote them. 598/ I did not say that, I said more than that, learn how to read, there is thing called commas and run-on sentences where I connected clauses with each other to say several things at the same time, it seems nobody really reads what I write. 599/ Hey everybody, do you trust every single account on Discord that has the red admin roles which is role level 30 or any of the higher roles above admin? If you have any problems or doubt, then why not demote some of them or even all of the admins and higher? Drain the swamp. 600/ Angelica is connected to people who stole pizza and had police swat me starting in 2023, Angelica seems to be a very bad person in many ways; Angelica harassed me in the DMs over the years. 601/ Demote anybody you don't trust or anybody who those you trust don't trust. 602/ I trust Vee who has been here since 2022, so Vee might be an exception to the rule; we should try not to give exceptions to everyone; try to be very picky who you give exceptions to. 603/ Andru, but everyone was not demoted. 604/ I did not say that, I literally said two things in one, this is how easy people can be taken out of context, I said two things and you ignored the second thing I said while being distracted by the first thing, this is how fake news spreads. 605/ People who unfairly mutes people should be demoted. 606/ People are free to give people any roles, I'm only recommending that anybody you don't trust be demoted below admin; everyone should keep exceptions to this rule to a minimum or be very picky about it; younger people should generally have lower roles apart from exceptions. 607/ Not sure if I was joking, I generally prefer many people to be demoted. 608/ Alliana, correct, I contested the 2020 election on Twitter X resulting in the termination of not one but several of my accounts on Twitter; also, Facebook put me in timeout for posting a photo of Rey kissing Kylo Ren in Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker; Facebook said it was bad. 609/ Not 2025 but February of 2025. 610/ Alliana, your job should PROBABLY include demoting any of the yellow god roles that you don't trust. Likewise, Gods should demote orange ruler roles they don't trust. Rulers should demote purple master roles they don't trust. And so on and so forth. It is that simple. 611/ Alliana, you wouldn't have to do any work if people under you did the work that you do; therefore, you are incentivized to demote the worst and promote the best; if enough gods did your work, you wouldn't have to do anything at all; it's all about scouting the talent. 612/ How active and inactive people are can play a role in determining roles; activity and inactivity can be a factor especially in the absence of other factors and especially regarding people you might not trust the most. 613/ People could perhaps be demoted a little if they haven't been active assuming not enough people really trust them enough because for example Logic Zombie is not active but I trust Logic; but you can maybe demote inactive people who also like suck and stuff. 614/ Adru, no, I didn't only say that, I not only said people can be demoted for any reason but also no reason at all; but if perhaps you are wrong with who you demote, somebody higher than you might then demote you for any or no reasons; this is called ACCOUNTABILITY. 615/ Alliana, no, some of those orange rulers might be too high and probably should be below the red admins assuming not enough people trust them and stuff. 616/ Alliana, but if you're doing most of the work, that probably means most people don't have your back and probably should be demoted below the red admin roles if they really do suck that much and if not enough people trust them and stuff. 617/ Over the years, most people just promoted whoever because most people don't take the time to investigate who to promote; perhaps all the gods should be demoted minus maybe a few. 618/ Alliana, I give you permission to give Caddy any role, I'm only saying you might wake up one day regretting your decisions because Caddy may cause big problems; Alliana, you might be digging your own grave; but you are free to gamble on Caddy if you want. 619/ Alliana, I said activity is not the only factor just like I said age is not the only factor. 620/ If people you promote don't have your back, then why not demote them? 621/ This is how people nuked this server especially in 2023, I thought some of the roles didn't have power but if a lower role has power, then their highest role then acquires those powers if other roles don't block those powers; Discord is a very tricky place. 622/ Both the server and individual channel settings must block slash command or bot command; otherwise somebody will have the power to run commands from one of their roles; and then they can promote/demote up to their highest role even if that role has no power. 623/ Don't blame the Carl Bot, when a person has the power to promote, then they will have that power to promote up to any roles under their highest role regardless of the permissions of the highest roles; either don't give them higher roles or block their power to promote. 624/ The absence of power or the absence of permissions is not enough, if a person has the power to promote, then they will be given that loop-hole that stupid Discord has to promote towards their highest roles; it's a crazy loop-hole I discovered the hard way in like 2023. 635/ Not only Carl but all the bots are like that because it's not the bots but Discord itself. 636/ Why would you want them to have higher roles without having the power to promote? 637/ Alliana, that's like being in the High Council in Star Wars but not being granted the title Jedi Master, that happened to Anakin Skywalker and then he became Darth Vader. 628/ Yeah, basically whatever power people have will generally be applied to their highest roles and/or people might also find ways to gain access to random channels in the server where they may sneak in some bot commands while nobody is looking. 629/ Chris Chan gave birth to Benjamin Button Franklin conspiracy theory and time travel confirmed. 630/ You should probably be demoted if you made bad choices. 631/ I created prison and mute roles with the intention to eliminate the loop holes of people gaining power simply by having higher roles and even prison roles for example; so, it can be tricky depending on how roles are setup in the server and channel settings; so watch out. 632/ How many of my 40+ channels on YouTube can you find? Should we promote the first person who finds the most? 633/ I have over forty YouTube channels, most people are too dumb to find them. 634/ Anybody reading this should probably demote the Hell out of everybody in the server for not knowing anything about me, people like Zoophile has never ever seen all the links on my daily blog including the link to my super duper contact page that is bigger than my Link Tree. 635/ Alliana, you should probably demote everybody because most people here are hater trolls who know nothing about me, they never ever try to know anything about me, they pretend to know everything about me while lying about me, they only come here to make fun of me all day. 636/ TikTok isn't really getting banned if you're only going by certain alleged bills and there have been several bills that may or may not have passed but you people are probably too dumb to read the fine print of what some of these bills say just like you don't really know me. 637/ I've made lists of some or many or all of my like 40+ or forty plus YouTube channels; like Alliana said, some of those lists are on some of those YouTube channels and on other websites too including my blog, see this link as follows for more info.

Twitter Tweets

03:44 AM

How do I appeal a suspended Gmail if I cannot even sign into my Google account at all, I tried many times for eight years, I tried immediately, YouTube staff ignored me every time for almost a decade, can you help me?

05:22 PM
YouTube stole my ten thousand videos and deleted my Google account without letting me appeal or download my data via Takeout, staff have been ignoring me for eight years now

12:38 PM
Canada announced national gun confiscation, what they do in Canada today they try to do in America tomorrow; this is bigger than trying to ban TikTok; forward this to Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Vivek, Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump.

12:53 PM
YouTube deleted my over 10,000+ videos but then restored 2/3 channels of mine even as all three of those channels were the same, I was going at Google for almost eight years since 2017; I tried appealing immediately; they didn't even let me appeal; they suspended my Google account even before I could appeal the termination or suspension of my Gmail email account ojawall@gmail.com in 2017; I tried immediately appealing during that October of 2017 as they were terminating that Ojawall channel on YouTube; YouTube then banned JoeyArnoldVN in 2018 and JoeyArnold7 in 2023; but then YouTube restored JoeyArnoldVN in 2023 and restored JoeyArnold7 in 2024; I uploaded videos to the Internet many times over the years talking about this; I published articles many times to many websites talking about this; Google refused to give me access to download my data via Google Takeout.

01:41 PM
YouTube started deleting my over 10,000+ videos in 2017 just months after Trump won the 2016 election, it was totally political, my content was transformative and fair use; corporations like NBC accused me of copyright infringement for a few of my videos; Google terminated my Gmail email account ojawall@gmail.com immediately before I could even appeal my YouTube channel; I was immediately trying to even appeal the termination of my Gmail which they automatically would reject many times these past eight years; Google refused me access to download my data via Google Takeout; Google refused me an opportunity to take the corporations to court violating my 5th and 6th amendment rights as an American; YouTube restored 2/3 of my channels despite the fact that all three channels were the same and it only took me a few years to get YouTube to restore two of those three channels; but YouTube continues to not let me appeal the third channel; they automatically reject my appeals without even looking at it; Google bots reject my appeals; Google staff are ghosting my emails; I've been trying to get actual humans to look at this for almost eight years; YouTube suspending my channels is very political.

02:41 PM
I was subscribed to Philip DeFranco 👊🏻 @PhillyD on YouTube in 2010.

07:12 PM
YouTube stole over ten thousand videos, you can access the Google hard drives and give me back my videos, here is a screenshot of some of those videos from May of 2010 just fourteen years ago.

10:00 PM
2011-10-25 - Tuesday - 11:12 AM - L4ojsa YouTube
YouTube emailed my L4ojsa channel: "Your YouTube account l4oj might be eligible to earn revenue from the playbacks of your videos." This is the first time that I know of at the moment of an alleged potential for perhaps maybe someday earning money on YouTube if eligible allegedly according to this email and screenshot just 13 years ago in 2011

10:23 PM
5/ I was following Community Channel which had this video from 2012 named I HATE PAST NATALIE

10:47 PM
7/ 2008-06-13 - Friday - 10:57 PM
Google emailed l4ojsa:
Thanks for uploading your video to Google Video!
It can now be viewed by going directly to this link:

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Madness 106-108

2024-12-06 - Friday - 03:07 AM - The Madness 106-108

Woman covers her tracks by blaming the people she killed on the man who is now captured by another black man who wants him to be a revolutionary symbol. FBI guy kills himself at the end of episode 6. Wife takes woman lady out. Wife almost dies.

12:31 PM

01:26 PM
Order your Trump on a Stump for $20 at the Alex Jones Store which @TheOnion does NOT own at all.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 6 AM. Awoke around 11:40 AM. RV video: YouTube deleted my 10K videos ten minute video. Breakfast: 12:33 PM. Mom said pray as he is afraid of food. So he drank some juice and other things but did not want like broth. Okay. Vacuum. Lunch: 02:15 PM. Dinner: 04:20 PM. Dishes at 05:00 PM for 70 minutes. Don't give Seb all the power with Sebastian the crab ten minutes about Discord video. Back here at 06:30 PM. Nap, 11:30 PM for the last thirty minutes of the day. Weird dream of being with people, interacting, offline, online, hard to explain, reminded me of other dreams I had in my life, went to a house or something, thought a monster was holding onto a head but maybe in the end it was me holding my head and I was keeping myself down in a way, a weird moral of the story, I am not totally sure as I barely remember the dream, the end. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 6 tangerines, 12:33 PM. Lunch: fruit salad thingy, 02:15 PM. Dinner: some kind of fat noodle like pho chicken soup which is good and hot, 04:20 PM. Milk, 06:20 PM. Tea. Feel hungry around midnight and after, I sometimes eat at night but probably shouldn't.

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