Felling trees with Charlotte

The other day I got a call from the farmer about a couple of trees that they needed cut down near their rental properties. Since we are just getting to know each other, they asked a simple question, " are you proficient with a chainsaw?"

I am never one to toot my own horn, and sometimes not as confident as I should be. So the answer was simple, " I used to cut firewood for a living, and I will see what I can do."

There were two trees. One was a tall and skinny pine tree in the front yard. When it came down there was only on direction that it could safely go. So with the help of some thorough planning and a rope, it came down smooth.

The other tree was much bigger. It was about 18" at the base and had real long branches. If you have never cut down a tree I will tell you this, long branches will cause a tree to push up off of the ground. So when you cut the tree and it falls and hits the branches on the ground it will often move. Maybe a push or a bounce, so you have to be very careful 

We dropped the big one and got it all cut up for the farmer. It was alot of fun working with my boys and sowing into their lives. We work together often, and I always try to give them something to learn and remember. I also got to run Charlotte! (My Stihl MS 311) She was hungry, so I had to feed her!

If you are planning to cut, stay safe!


Be well

~The Yeti

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